What about main idea in non fiction.  I can see purpose or a guiding question 
helping here as well.  I've been talking to my students about getting the gist 
of a short piece, such as a paragraph.  I recently viewed a video about a 
teacher demonstrating this strategy with her students that I found interesting 
even though it was geared for grade 4.  Here's the url if anyone's interested 

Elisa Waingort
Grade 2 Spanish Bilingual
Dalhousie Elementary
Calgary, Canada

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. 
They must be felt within the heart. 
—Helen Keller

Visit my blog, A Teacher's Ruminations, and post a message.

Main idea...always a struggle for my kids as are any kinds of big picture  
questions. One thing I have found helpful is to help kids consider your 
purpose  for reading a particular text. What is most important in the text is 
then what  suits your purpose as a reader. I think that the idea that there is 
a single  main idea in a text is a fiction...though tests often feed this  
misunderstanding. That's where teaching test taking as a particular reading  
genre has benefits...
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