Now I want to clarify. I don't mean students cannot decode. Or at least I don't think that's what I mean. I have students every year who can say every word on the page out loud. They can even explain what each word individually means. If I ask for an explanation of what the entire page means, they cannot tell me. The problem I see most often is middle schoolers who seem not to know that reading is supposed to mean something.

Quoting Laura <>:
Well said--I don't think anyone has found the key for those individuals who
just can't seem to decode the words.  I had a brilliant third grader this
year who read on a barely beginning first grade level--he had all the
comprehension skills if someone else could do the decoding for him. Laura
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] &quota;Better&quota; reading instruction...sigh...

> When a  middle schooled or high school student is reading on an elementary
> level, It's easy to assume that somebody below didn't do it "right" . > But as an elementary teacher, I just need to say that we bust our butts
> on those students who are below grade level.  We meet with them daily in
> small group and and are always hovering by their desks to help them with
> added support.   We provide them with as much intensive support as
> available from reading teachers,we  work with parents, set up before and
> after school buddy pals, and nightly send home books at their level for
> them to practice and now with RITA. probably spend triple the amount of
> time planning lessons and assessing these students as we do our grade
> level or advanced student. >
> We take so much abuse from the "political public" about how all we need is
> good teaching and all will be right with the students. > I have to caution you not to buy into this. Students who struggle learning
> to read have many and varied causes, and we have yet to find the cause or
> "cure" for all of them. Please, don't play the bashing game and blame the
> other guy.  Chances are, your own success with these kiddos will be as
> limited. >
> Kathy

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