Hi Kathy,
I think we're all in agreement that elementary teachers work hard to make sure that all students can (and do) read. It is, however, true that I have students reading well below grade level. When I see them, the reason is no longer important. I need to figure out the best way I can to help those students. I'm glad to see that at least some people think that middle school students need to give up electives in order to get more time on reading. I'm going to see if that is an idea my building is willing to embrace. Jan

Quoting kea...@aol.com:
When a  middle schooler or high school student is reading on an elementary
level, It's easy to assume that somebody below didnt do it "right" . But as an elementary teacher, I just need to say that we bust our butts on those students who are below grade level. We meet with them daily in small group and and are
always hovering by their desks to help them with added support.   We provide
them with as much intensive support as availalbe from reading teachers,we work with parents, set up before and after school buddy pals, and nightly send home
books at their level for them to practice and now with RTI. probably spend
triple the amount of time planning lessons and assessing these students as we do our grade level or advanced student. We take so much abuse from the "political public" about how all we need is good teaching and all will be right with the students. I have to caution you not to buy into this. Students who struggle learning to read have many and varied causes, and we have yet to find the cause or "cure" for all of them. Please, dont play the bashing game and blame the other guy. Chances are, your own success with these kiddos will be as limited.

-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Diana Saddler <ddavi...@fau.edu>
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group
<mosaic@literacyworkshop.org>; write <wr...@centurytel.net>
Sent: Thu, Jul 21, 2011 7:15 pm
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] "Better" reading instruction...sigh...

Hi Jan
I am glad you ask that question about the hypothetical 8th grader who currently read on a 4th grade level what can we do. Well just to inform you I currently teach intensive reading for middle school students 6-8th grade and many of them do read on an elementary grade level. Our school has a block schedule in which
students goes to three classes on one day and three different classes on the
next (alternating class), which also include extra-curricular activities. The students who have my class, have there required classes, such as Language Arts,
Math, etc..., but because they have Intensive Reading they do not get
extra-curricular activities instead they see me every day of the week not only on alternate days. By the way our school is an “A” school again this year, thank God. I believe that if schools would take the initiative and make sure that a child receive all the help necessary for the child to be able to read on grade level before they are move on to the next grade or take drastic action to make sure that the child catch up to their reading grade level then we will have
less student in the 8th grade reading on a 4th grade level.  It is not easy,
trust me I have the real deal, the 8th graders who do read on a very low level but was just pass on through the system; but, it is possible if the school work as a team.
Denise D. Saddler

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