Hello All,
Would you share your thoughts about requiring a certain number of books to
be read per quarter?  I use and teach the thinking strategies and we do much
work honing those skills.  Although I use mentor texts for lessons, the bulk
of reading is student choice.  Prior to this "thinking culture", I used AR
tests and had point goals for each student.  I read (and loved) The Book
Whisperer and felt like I needed some type of "requirement" to keep
reluctant readers focused on that goal - thus the 6 book per quarter goal.

What I am seeing, however, is that students who haven't met their goal yet
are choosing short, easy books to just finish the goal rather than digging
into a book they would truly love or want to read.  I think that defeats the
purpose of developing a passion for reading...it becomes more of a chore.

Any suggestion or advice would be welcome.  Should I continue with a number
requirement per quarter?  How do I keep those reluctant or lazy readers
reading of there is no requirement???

Thanks...in advance.


*Stress (substitue "worry") is a form of atheism; it infers that you do not
believe God is in control.*
*           `´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´*:-,_,.-:*´`´*:-.,_,.-:*´`´*:
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