
Most likely this little boy is struggling with sight words... especially out of context.... because they have no real meaning or use for him ... especially out of context. As for memorizing sentence frames... does he have experience with tractors or boats, or are these just words with no schema to which they can be attached? If they are not familiar concepts, then the words will take longer to learn.

Try using "key words" in some way (someone suggested writing his own sentence on the back of cards with the words on them, to add context), and language experience, where he draws pictures and dictates sentences to go with them which an adult can transcribe.

As for spelling tests, I just have to say that I consider them an antiquated strategy that simply will not go away. Is there anything more meaningless than a list of unrelated, isolated words out of context? I don't get that. I know practically everybody does them, but this is one thing I would drop like a hot potato if I could get away with it. My two cents.

Good luck!

On Nov 14, 2011, at 6:00 PM, Jessica Lee Flynn wrote:

I am having trouble helping the little boy I am tutoring with 'sight words'. They just do not stick with him and I feel like I am tried many different approaches. Week after week he fails his spelling tests (he has to be able to identify the word and then spell it) and we work with those words when I tutor him but they just don't stick with him! He is great at memorizing a sentence frame (i.e. I like a tractor, I like a boat, etc.) but when asked to identify tractor, or boat in isolation or in a different context he has no clue what the word is... HELP?! I feel like I am running into a brick wall, constantly.

Any input is great appreciated!! :D


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