  The EO is English only and ELL is English Language Learners. :)  I know, 
sometimes I don't have a clue what the acronym is people are using. 
 I love your idea! A quiet rebellion.  I have a CAFE chart (similar to the 
Sisters from Daily 5) on the wall and the children refer to it all the time 
reading.  It's not on any testing per se, but the comprehension and word 
analysis strategies are exactly what the kids need. I know what best practices 
are and I feel that I'm being dragged away from them.  It confuses me when I 
know what is best for the kids, yet I'm pulled by our PLC group and the 
district.  I feel that kids at my school need 3rd grade, 3rd 1/2 grade, 4th 
grade, etc.  They need time to grow in the English language.  We have a title 1 
school in our district that has received numerous awards for achievement with 
ELL students, yet when we receive these same students they are no longer 
proficient...why would that be?  

Happy Holidays to all.  I have 3 weeks off and I plan to enjoy it!
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