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Valerie  E. Hardy 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sally Thomas <>
To: mosaic listserve <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 28, 2012 4:12 pm
Subject: [MOSAIC] Awakening Heart poetry discussion

Some of my thoughts to start us off with the Introduction and Chapter 1.....
Georgia mentions hearing a woman asking her husband if she has poetry inside
o you have poetry inside you?  Do you think it¹s vital that a teacher has
r learns to have poetry inside to teach children to love poetry??  If you
on¹t think you have it, how would you go about growing it??

 remember writing kind of silly poems in elementary.  Certainly not loving
oetry.  High school, hmmm not really.  College I was an English major and
id love the Romantics.  But it¹s been since then that poetry has actually
ntered my life deeply.  Think it was partly deciding to work with poetry
ith my high school students and later elementary students that dipped me in
o deeply and passionately. My students enthusiastic response caused a
eciprocal response inside me.  So I would say I didn¹t originally have
oetry in my heart. I think we can grow it as we experience it with our
tudents!!  I still feel unsure at times when I write poetry.  It still
eels like a risk.  But my students demand that I take that risk.

eorgia comments on the importance of listening deeply so we can hear the
oetry seeds inside our students.   I think about the pressures we are
acing in schools at this point in time and that those pressures make me
ield hurried, and sadly that pressure seems to make me actually talk too
uch.  How do we carve out that time to listen?  And to see our children
ith new eyes that can find the important seeds that are theirs?

eorgia talks about the importance of choice and time.  She suggests poetry
¹m wondering which center or centers would you start with and why?

 do remember some powerful poetry my students wrote when I created a center
I didn¹t have this idea for regular centers then) around Georgia O²Keefe.
e had studied her art a bit in my 5/6 class.  I set up an art center which
ncluded a cow skull, a nautilus shell, and a red oriental poppy.  Students
bserved first, just informally writing details they noticed.  Then they
ketched and/or painted.  Then they wrote poetry.  It was pretty amazing. It
ook well over a week but was one of the best experiences of the yearŠ.the
ids said.  Oh and I did use the poem that Georgia shares about looking at
omething carefully and deeply to introduce the whole thing.  So I am eager
o try some of the other centers here though some speak to me more than
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