Since you are sensing that he is choking under the duress of a timed
reading, have you tried timing him without him knowing it, or having him
record his reading on his own to get another form of sampling?
Interestingly, I had a student who read meticulously slow, and once he
heard his own reading he stated, "I can do better than that." From there,
he significantly upped his words per minute. Otherwise, possibly try a
"duration" timing.  If you are unfamiliar with that process, it just means
that you time him with a longer passage for a longer period of time, then
do the math accordingly; i.e. if it takes him three minutes to read, divide
his total word rate by three.  My understanding is that duration was
designed for kids who are quick out of the gate, or those who speed up as
they become more confident.  I would even consider starting his timing once
he is a minute or so into the passage.

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 5:36 AM, norma baker <> wrote:

> Morning, I have a student who has a high average IQ.  He tests at "Z" in
> the a-z assessment, but his fluency (DIBELS) is at  77.  In January the
> fourth grade goal was 105, so he is significantly below that expectation.
>  He has received fluency support with Quick Reads (similar to REad
> Naturally or Great Leaps), readers' theater and poetry for repeated
> readings.  I personally feel that he tries too hard and so whenever is
> timed (dare I say that word), he chokes.  His fluency is obviously not
> impacting his ability to comprehend or to access the curriculum in class.
>  He currently has 5 x 25 on his grid for fluency support and we suspect
> that his mom (lovely person, strong advocate) is going to push for 1-1
> support. What else would anyone recommend trying with this student to
> improve his fluency? Thanks! norma PS  I'm not looking for a philosophical
> discussion about the merits of DIBELS or measuring fluency.  I'm aware of
> "the good, the bad and the ugly".  This is the situation I have andI am
>  just trying to seek alternate solutions!  Thanks!!!!!  An old man once
> said, "There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the
> drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make
> you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat
> you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything
> but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living."
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*Cindy Brovold*
*Literacy Coach
Princeton Schools*

 *“*Literacy arouses hopes, not only in society as a whole but also in the
individual who is striving for fulfilment, happiness and personal benefit
by learning how to read and write. Literacy... means far more than learning
how to read and write... The aim is to transmit... knowledge and promote
social participation.*”*

- UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg, Germany
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