This was my first year using Comprehension Connections and I also think
it is an excellent teaching tool for comprehension strategies. 

>>> "Corbett, Amy L." <> 5/7/2012 9:53 AM >>>
Comprehension Connections by Tanny McGregor

Excellent book on comprehension strategies

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf
Of Mena
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 10:56 AM
Subject: [MOSAIC] Book list for my Remedial Reading Course

I am considering adding The Cafe Book to my literature circle book list
for my Remedial Reading Course. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
I already have Mosaic of Thought required.

Philomena Marinaccio-Eckel, Ph.D.
Florida Atlantic University  
Dept. of Teaching and Learning    
College of Education                                
2912 College Ave. ES 214
Davie, FL  33314
Phone:  954-236-1070
Fax:  954-236-1050

-----Original Message-----
From: donnfox <>
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group
<>; mosaic <>
Sent: Sun, May 6, 2012 11:04 pm
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Daily Five/CAFE

Is there anybody from this listserve that is a New Jersey teacher using
Daily 5 
and CAFE?
If so could you please email me off list. I would love to visit a
classroom in 
my state to see how this organization and structure works in a 90
Thank you,
Donna NJ
Sent from my HTC Status™ on AT&T

----- Reply message -----
From: "mrs. teacher" <>
To: <>
Subject: [MOSAIC] Daily Five/CAFE
Date: Sun, May 6, 2012 3:28 pm

Hi all!  I am in my 4th year of using the Daily Five and my 3rd of
using CAFE.  
I teach fourth grade.  I read somewhere (not sure where) that the
recommend 3-5 teachers only doing 3 of the 5 "rotations" and that it is
personal program that you should modify to fit your students' needs.  I
have 45 
minutes of CAFE time in my room (this is what we call it).  Each day,
have the option of Read To Self, Listen To Reading, or Word Work.  They
HAVE to do Listen to Reading but if they do, it can only be one day
each week 
and they MUST do Word Work once a week.  However, after the newness of
Listen To 
Reading wore off, I rarely had students choose that one anymore. 
most of my students have 45 minutes of sustained, self-selected,
reading four days a week.  During this time, I conference with
students, giving 
them purposes for reading that match their personalized CAFE goal. 
When I 
started this, we blocked and I was the reading teacher.  We had 75
minute blocks and 45 of each one was spent doing CAFE time.  Last year,
decided to self-contain (hallelujah!)  and the other fourth grade
teachers were 
excited to try it, as well.  One of my team members from last year
moved to 
second grade last year and now all of second grade is doing CAFE and
Daily Five.  
I really don't know what I did before I found it.  To me, it is what I
have always been doing but gave me the organization and structure that
I was 
lacking in order to do what I knew needed to be done.

> STACIE, thanks for your post.  I recently had the opportunity to 
> observe in two CAFE classrooms where there is a 90-min. literacy
> I was impressed with the management and how the students knew what
> expectations were in each rotation.  Here's my concern, and it's
> for those of youout there who are Columbia trained and also know
Daily 5/CAFE: 

> With students changing stations every 22 minutes or so after the
> Where's the sustained engagement with 'just right' text?
> Where's the conferring at the heart of the workshop?
> I would so love feedback from Columbia folks, and if it is more
appropriate to 

> contact me directly rather than through this list serve, please do.
> Thanks for all your input and support everyone.
> Martha

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