Sharon Taberski has a new book, I hear is good. From the Ground Up by her is 
great. Kylene Beirs (?) has a book that is for upper grades....What works....I 
think is the title but it can apply to younger kids.

Sue Moore 

On May 7, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Mena <> wrote:

> I am considering adding The Cafe Book to my literature circle book list for 
> my Remedial Reading Course. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I already 
> have Mosaic of Thought required.
> Philomena Marinaccio-Eckel, Ph.D.
> Florida Atlantic University  
> Dept. of Teaching and Learning    
> College of Education                    
> 2912 College Ave. ES 214
> Davie, FL  33314
> Phone:  954-236-1070
> Fax:  954-236-1050
> -----Original Message-----
> From: donnfox <>
> To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group 
> <>; mosaic <>
> Sent: Sun, May 6, 2012 11:04 pm
> Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Daily Five/CAFE
> Is there anybody from this listserve that is a New Jersey teacher using Daily 
> 5 
> and CAFE?
> If so could you please email me off list. I would love to visit a classroom 
> in 
> my state to see how this organization and structure works in a 90 literacy 
> block.
> Thank you,
> Donna NJ
> Sent from my HTC Status™ on AT&T
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "mrs. teacher" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: [MOSAIC] Daily Five/CAFE
> Date: Sun, May 6, 2012 3:28 pm
> Hi all!  I am in my 4th year of using the Daily Five and my 3rd of using 
> CAFE.  
> I teach fourth grade.  I read somewhere (not sure where) that the sisters 
> recommend 3-5 teachers only doing 3 of the 5 "rotations" and that it is a 
> personal program that you should modify to fit your students' needs.  I have 
> 45 
> minutes of CAFE time in my room (this is what we call it).  Each day, 
> students 
> have the option of Read To Self, Listen To Reading, or Word Work.  They never 
> HAVE to do Listen to Reading but if they do, it can only be one day each week 
> and they MUST do Word Work once a week.  However, after the newness of Listen 
> To 
> Reading wore off, I rarely had students choose that one anymore.  Therefore, 
> most of my students have 45 minutes of sustained, self-selected, on-level 
> reading four days a week.  During this time, I conference with students, 
> giving 
> them purposes for reading that match their personalized CAFE goal.  When I 
> started this, we blocked and I was the reading teacher.  We had 75
> minute blocks and 45 of each one was spent doing CAFE time.  Last year, we 
> decided to self-contain (hallelujah!)  and the other fourth grade teachers 
> were 
> excited to try it, as well.  One of my team members from last year moved to 
> second grade last year and now all of second grade is doing CAFE and Daily 
> Five.  
> I really don't know what I did before I found it.  To me, it is what I should 
> have always been doing but gave me the organization and structure that I was 
> lacking in order to do what I knew needed to be done.
>> STACIE, thanks for your post.  I recently had the opportunity to 
>> observe in two CAFE classrooms where there is a 90-min. literacy block.  
>> I was impressed with the management and how the students knew what the 
>> expectations were in each rotation.  Here's my concern, and it's really 
>> for those of youout there who are Columbia trained and also know Daily 
>> 5/CAFE: 
>> With students changing stations every 22 minutes or so after the minilesson, 
>> Where's the sustained engagement with 'just right' text?
>> Where's the conferring at the heart of the workshop?
>> I would so love feedback from Columbia folks, and if it is more appropriate 
>> to 
>> contact me directly rather than through this list serve, please do.
>> Thanks for all your input and support everyone.
>> Martha
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