Keach & Beverlee,

Although we've had a period (decade plus) of very progressive curriculum and 
support here in BC (I overgeneralize of course), we are back into an era where 
(some complain that)  'bean counters' attempt to delineate all the conceivable 
PLOs (prescribed learning outcomes) and fortunately it's only grade fours and 
tens that are hit with the regular standardized provincial tests. (Grade 12s 
have a variety of exams that are provincial in nature.) Although it's natural 
we feel there are certain things a citizen, say aged 25 or so?, must know in 
common with others (basic literacy, numeracy, scientific literacy, etc.) -- 
then when you begin to spell it all out, it becomes literally unmanageable, 
given that a good portion of the students are neither prepared to arrive at 
school, nor do they have home support otherwise. 

At some point a holistic curriculum that takes advantage of a passionate 
approach and the natural integration of subject areas must return??

We continue to wish folks (nowadays) would look to Finland -- where (it's said) 
that all teachers have master's degrees, are well paid, and there is little to 
none of the state sponsored testing. Teachers are encouraged to study their 
children to devise what will work best for those particular kids. I may have 
romanticized it. Finland is known for its top marks on international testing 

Re Finland's education system: check #5 in this blog 
-- . 

And thanks 'Keach' for the nostalgic rush. ;-)

Linda Rightmire
SD #73, Kamloops, BC

>The insanity is so bad, I can only think, "Who is John Galt? "
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Beverlee Paul <>
>To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group 
>Sent: Wed, May 16, 2012 2:50 pm
>Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Walk to Read?
>Totally correct, Norma.  We're now down the rabbit hole, Alice.
>On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 3:49 AM, norma baker <> wrote:
>> How is "Walk to Read" different from the tracking we have all worked so
>> hard to get rid of in favor of Reading Workshop? We have a new
>> administrator who "talks" about RW, but also wants us to buy an anthology,
>> (funny to be thankful for a lack of funds!!! lol), implement centers and
>> Walk to Read. Also "talks" about RTI, but has gotten rid of TIer II that
>> had been scheduled as additional instruction for struggling students. Now
>> Tier II will be during the literacy block which to me is supplanting rather
>> than providing the supplemental support that would be beneficial! I am a
>> Reading Workshop enthusiastic for sure and think far too many things are
>> competing for the time students spend truly reading and teachers conferring
>> with them. Am I being short-sighted??? Please enlighten me if so! Thanks!
>> norma   An old man once said, "There comes a time in your life, when you
>> walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround
>> yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the
>> good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't.
>> Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life,
>> getting back up is living."
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