
I am enjoying the conversations so much and just finished printing out (a 
rarity of course) the Allington "Six T's" etc. I quit getting digest because it 
was hard to follow what with all the formatting and so on -- but I'm also 
finding it a bit hard to keep up, with individual posts (time will tell) 
(amidst all the other email of normal life!).

I wanted to suggest this (though I believe the person suggested 'offlist') as 
to high interest, summer reading, etc. I just finished reading Touching Spirit 
Bear and its sequel Ghost of Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson. I'd been reading the 
first novel with some normally unmotivated weak middle school readers a few 
weeks back (boys) and thinking it had so much inherent appeal and drama.

The story begins with a boy from Minnesota (wild teen in lots of trouble) who 
gets diverted from jail via a traditional Circle Justice (native style and BC 
bound). He is sent to an island to live, surviving on his own, for a year. The 
story is very dramatic with profound themes and much "discussable" at many 
points. Mainly I was also impressed with how easy the reading level was. 
Short(ish), captivating, well worthwhile. I see he's written many others but I 
only know these two.

I have also followed intently the discussion of admin's push against "real 
reading" etc. Thanks everyone!

Linda Rightmire
SD #73, Kamloops, BC
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