To get a perspective on the how Tlingit Indians view this novel you
might want to check out Debbie Reese's blog American Indians in
Children's Literature. Link below. Just another layer to consider when
recommending books written about other cultures by non-members.

Mrs. Nancy Edwards
St. Matthew School
1230 NE 127th St.
Seattle, WA 98125
206-362-2785 x107

…The moment we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold
into a library, we've changed their lives forever, and for the better.
 This is an enormous force for good.
        Barack Obama,
        President of the United States of America

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Linda Rightmire
<> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I am enjoying the conversations so much and just finished printing out (a 
> rarity of course) the Allington "Six T's" etc. I quit getting digest because 
> it was hard to follow what with all the formatting and so on -- but I'm also 
> finding it a bit hard to keep up, with individual posts (time will tell) 
> (amidst all the other email of normal life!).
> I wanted to suggest this (though I believe the person suggested 'offlist') as 
> to high interest, summer reading, etc. I just finished reading Touching 
> Spirit Bear and its sequel Ghost of Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson. I'd been 
> reading the first novel with some normally unmotivated weak middle school 
> readers a few weeks back (boys) and thinking it had so much inherent appeal 
> and drama.
> The story begins with a boy from Minnesota (wild teen in lots of trouble) who 
> gets diverted from jail via a traditional Circle Justice (native style and BC 
> bound). He is sent to an island to live, surviving on his own, for a year. 
> The story is very dramatic with profound themes and much "discussable" at 
> many points. Mainly I was also impressed with how easy the reading level was. 
> Short(ish), captivating, well worthwhile. I see he's written many others but 
> I only know these two.
> I have also followed intently the discussion of admin's push against "real 
> reading" etc. Thanks everyone!
> Linda Rightmire
> SD #73, Kamloops, BC
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