Does/Has anyone use/d Ellin Keene's *Assessing Comprehension Thinking
Strategies*? It was published shortly after *Mosaic of Thought* 2nd ed. As
I recall, it had rubrics and checksheets and a writing component for 1-1
comprehension assessment. Always wanted to try it but it hasn't fit the way
I'm expected to teach.

Susan from AZ

Hello from Montreal!
>> Our Junior School (grades K-6) PLC this year (and for the next two years)
>> has focused on the explicit instruction of Reading Comprehension
>> Strategies. The interest is high, teachers are beginning to embed this type
>> of instruction into their classrooms and lots of talking and sharing has
>> been happening as a result!  Very exciting! The big question on the table
>> at the moment is how to assess?? Specifically, teacher friendly practical
>> ways to assess use of strategies NOT just knowledge of strategies. We have
>> a professional read each summer and I am looking for the best book on the
>> topic. Any suggestions? Thanks to everyone in this group ? I can't think of
>> a better place to get this type of advice!
>> Judy
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