Yes, I've used it with beginning teachers in my teacher ed program.  Their
main project is a case study using a wide range of authentic assessment
practices including observations/anecdotal notes.  The comprehension rubrics
are not always used more formally. In fact of course many of these beginning
teachers are not in settings which use good approaches to assessment.  But
they can see the usefulness and it helps them supplement things like
retellings which are often simplistic in my view.  They learn to listen
differently, add these to their anecdotal notes etc.  We haven't actually
used the text passages themselves.

On 6/4/12 8:35 AM, "Susan Hayden" <> wrote:

> Does/Has anyone use/d Ellin Keene's *Assessing Comprehension Thinking
> Strategies*? It was published shortly after *Mosaic of Thought* 2nd ed. As
> I recall, it had rubrics and checksheets and a writing component for 1-1
> comprehension assessment. Always wanted to try it but it hasn't fit the way
> I'm expected to teach.
> Susan from AZ
> Hello from Montreal!
>>> Our Junior School (grades K-6) PLC this year (and for the next two years)
>>> has focused on the explicit instruction of Reading Comprehension
>>> Strategies. The interest is high, teachers are beginning to embed this type
>>> of instruction into their classrooms and lots of talking and sharing has
>>> been happening as a result!  Very exciting! The big question on the table
>>> at the moment is how to assess?? Specifically, teacher friendly practical
>>> ways to assess use of strategies NOT just knowledge of strategies. We have
>>> a professional read each summer and I am looking for the best book on the
>>> topic. Any suggestions? Thanks to everyone in this group ? I can't think of
>>> a better place to get this type of advice!
>>> Judy
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