Be a writer with them is the best advice on this thread!  Journals are a great 
way to get kids to experience writing without worrying about mechanics.  Once 
they realize there is a writer within them, then you can use all of the 
wonderful websites and books suggested.  Use prewriting to build confidence.  
Graphic organizers, modeling, discussion, drawings, and remember to allow them 
to share their writing. Motivation is half the battle! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Maura Shea Sackett <>
To: Mosaic: A Reading Comprehension Strategies Email Group 
Sent: Sat, Aug 25, 2012 9:39 am
Subject: Re: [MOSAIC] Teaching Writing

Try a site called Teaching That Makes Sense by Steve Peha. is
acked with helpful, downloadable information, aimed right at writing
eachers. Also look at the Real Writing Teachers listserv on Yahoo. Many
reat ideas are in their archives. You can opt to receive emails, just like
his Mosaic list, and get lots of info from teachers from all over the
ountry. A book you can pick up is THE NO NONSENSE GUIDE TO TEACHING
RITING; there are so many others, but this is a start!
Model writing for your students! Be a writer with them, sharing your
hinking aloud. Give them lots of opportunities to try what you just showed
hem, then model some more. Show them examples of what they should be
iming for. Teachers' College has lots of online student writing, as does
ARCC, a site that has lots of information and models for implementing the
ommon Core Standards.
Show and explain rubrics of writing, so the young writers know what to aim
or. This will also help you to evaluate their writing, since it may have
een a while since you've had that frame of mind.
Good luck on your new venture!
rade five ELA teacher
ew Jersey
On Saturday, August 25, 2012, evelia cadet wrote:
> Hello. I am in desperate need of help and I thought about this group. I am
 starting school on Monday and I was told this afternoon that I will be
 teaching writing (dual language). I normally teach reading and social
 studies. I have never taught writing before. Writing is tested in my grade
 (4th). Are you all aware of a great online resourse for writing that I can
 use, at least to plan for next week?  Also, for those who have experience
 teaching writing, when and how do you address the mechanics of writing? Do
 you start teaching a lot of grammar first? Do you teach grammar as a whole
 group? I have so many questions! Thank you.


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