Stephen Krashen has all the research.  Go to his website.  You can download 
particular articles.  You might ask his advice about which ones would be good 
to hand to your particular audience/administration.  He is a wonderful educator 
helping all of us to support our best practices!!

Allington's work is also good on this.  I like his Six T's article - I'll try 
to find the link for you tomorrow.  He summarizes the extensive research done 
with Peter Johnston.  Research over # years in a variety of states, variety of 
school contexts.  They found six themes or characteristics of the practices of 
the most effective teachers (including picked by administrators and families) 
and test scores as well.  One of the Ts was time to read....lots and lots of 
reading.  I really really like this article and so have my teacher ed students 
and teachers I've worked with in schools.  Very readable.  Very powerful.  In 
fact this would be one of my best picks to try....  and it was substantiated by 
rigorous research in a very large study.  too late tonight but I'llt ry to look 
for it tomorrow.


On Jan 29, 2013, at 6:40 PM, R.S. wrote:

> I've utilized reading and writing workshop for a number of years and up
> until this year, my choice in teaching method has always been fully
> supported by my administration. However a recent administration switch has
> me now in the position of needing to seriously defend my teaching
> practices.  Unfortunately I'm dealing with a mindset that views summative,
> test-based assessment as the only type that is valid, and therefore our
> current workshop set-up is not meshing well with their view of what is
> effective.
> In order to keep our ability to read in class, I'm looking to flood my
> administration with research/articles/data/etc. that support independent
> reading in class.  I've mentioned many of the works of Nancie Atwell to
> them already plus several other books, but specifically am looking now for
> shorter pieces to share (as they seem reluctant to take the time to read a
> book).
> So my question is: does anyone have any suggestions for good, supportive
> research and articles that might help convince my administration to let my
> kids continue to read?
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