>  I am still confused about the lattice format,
>  In your examples:
>  1 ((('A',1.0,1),),(('B',1.0,1),),)
>  2 ((('A',1.0,1),('Z',1.0,2),),(('B',1.0,1),),(('C',1.0,1),),)
>  Can I interpret it as:
>  from node 0 to node 1 there are 2 lattices: (('A',1.0,1),) and
>  (('B',1.0,1),)
Each entire lattice is encoded on a single line.  In line 1, there are
two arcs from node 0 to node 1, 'A' and 'B'. The 1.0 is the cost of
the arc and the "1" is the length of the arc (measured in nodes).  In
line two, node 0 has two arcs, arc 'A' that goes to node 1 and arc 'Z'
that goes to node 2. Node 1 has a single arc, 'B', that goes to node
2.  Node 2 has a single arc 'C' that goes to 3.

>  And also  what are the meaning of number 1.0 and 1, 2 there? where can I put 
> the lattice probabilities?
>  Is it possible to add an empty lattice (so that the decoder skip a word)?
Currently, moses only lets you specify a single cost for an arc, and
it is actually treated as a probability (the decoder sees it as
-log(p) -- you can change this in WordLattice.cpp if you want to deal
with more conventional costs, but the rest of the inputs to the
decoder are given as probabilities so I wanted to be consistent).  If
you want a null transition, set the arc label to '*eps*' and the
decoder will treat this as a null.


>  Linh
>  Chris Dyer wrote:
>  >Also, if you are using general lattices (as opposed to regular
>  >confusion networks) as input, you should update to the latest version
>  >of the decoder from Subversion, since I checked in a fairly crucial
>  >bug fix yesterday.
>  >
>  >Chris
>  >
>  >On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Chris Dyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  >>The lattice format isn't documented yet on the webpage, but you can
>  >> see some examples of it in the lattice-distortion test directory Hieu
>  >> mentions.  It should be fairly straightforward to decipher.  Since
>  >> this format encodes a single lattice/CN per line of text, it can be
>  >> used easily with MER training.
>  >>
>  >> Chris
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Hieu Hoang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> > chao anh/chi linh
>  >> >
>  >> > i'm not sure if anyone answered your question and i'm prob not the best
>  >> > person to answer question on lattice/confusion net input. to my 
> knowledge,
>  >> > mert should run fine with these input types.
>  >> >
>  >> > perhaps you can find an example of the lattice input format from the
>  >> > regression test :
>  >> >
>  >> > 
> http://mosesdecoder.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mosesdecoder/trunk/regression-testing/tests/
>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> > ThuyLinh Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> > -------- Original Message --------
>  >> > Subject: Run mert-moses.pl with confusion network
>  >> > Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 21:33:44 -0500
>  >> > From: ThuyLinh Nguyen
>  >> > To: moses-support@mit.edu
>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> > Hello,
>  >> > I want to run mer for a development set which is the output of other
>  >> > translation job.
>  >> > therefore the development input is a set of lattices. Are there anyway
>  >> > to run MER with lattice input and if so how can i represent the lattice
>  >> > of multiple sentences?
>  >> > Thank you
>  >> > Linh
>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> > _______________________________________________
>  >> > Moses-support mailing list
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>  >> >
>  >> >
>  >> > Hieu Hoang
>  >> > http//www.hoang.co.uk/hieu
>  >> >
>  >> >  ________________________________
>  >> >
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>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>  >
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