Hi Eric,

 <e.y....@...> writes:

> Also, I get this warning
> > Use of uninitialized value within @WORD_FACTOR in concatenation (.) or
> > string at ${MOSES_SCRIPTS}/training/filter-model-given-input.pl line
> > 132, <INPUT> line 1.
> Have I done something wrong?  I'm using an unfactored model, for what
> it's worth.  Interestingly, if I run the script a second time, I do not
> get this complaint.

Given how old this post is, you might not be interested anymore, but for people
who may get the same error in the future...

I got the same error from the filter-and-binarize-model-given-input.pl script.
I'm surprised you got it even though you are using an unfactored model.  In my
case, I figured out that it was due to the referenced line of the input text (in
your case, line 1) containing characters that the script was treating as special
but that I intended literally.  Specifically, it was the pointy-bracket
characters (< and >), which I believe are special because XML markup is an
advanced feature of the decoder.  Another special character is the vertical bar
(|), which is the factor boundary, so perhaps line 1 of your input text
contained that character.

As a workaround, I commented out locally the line of
filter-and-binarize-model-given-input.pl that handles pointy brackets

-    $line =~ s/<[^>]+>/ /g;
+    #$line =~ s/<[^>]+>/ /g;


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