On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Lane Schwartz <dowob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know that during the 2nd MT Marathon in Wandlitz in May 2008, work was
> done on implementing a suffix array data structure so that Moses could
> extract phrase pairs directly from an aligned parallel corpus at runtime,
> without the necessity of first running an explicit off-line phrase table
> extraction process.
> I don't know what the end result of that work was, nor do I know if any
> followup work was performed.
> My question was in regard to those issues. Specifically, does anyone know
> where things ended with regard to the suffix array code in Moses at the end
> of the MT Marathon in Wandlitz? And is functionality currently present in
> Moses to allow an aligned parallel corpus backed by a suffix array to act in
> place of a pre-computed phrase table?

Hieu, I know that at the Prague MT Marathon you used the Joshua suffix array
implementation to extract hiero grammars for Moses. But does Moses (trunk or
any other branch) have any suffix array-based runtime phrase table?

 I never really got a satisfactory answer to this thread back in November.
Based on that, I'm assuming that the code that ccb, Juri, and others worked
on in Wandlitz never made it into Moses trunk.

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