Let's move into a private thread for next mails
to not bother moses-support list

Please send me as much logging information as possible

Furthermore, try to compute the likelihood of the target sentence
which gives the positive logprob   with compile-lm program of IRSTLM
run the command as follows

echo "_your_setence_"      |      compile-lm   _yourLM_ --eval /dev/stdin -d 3

and collect stdout and sterr

Which are the parameters you used for the estimation of your LM?

Which version of IRSTLM are you using?

Nicola Bertoldi

On Sep 26, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Abbasov Samir wrote:

> Hi, i have trained 6 gram language model with IRSTLM on billion words
> tokens, but some log probabilities are positive, which they must be
> negative, why?

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