Tom Hoar pointed this out a while ago because KenLM's build_binary
rejects positive log probabilities.  Eventually, I gave in and added a
-i (i is short for IRST bug) option to build_binary that maps positive
log probability to 0.0.  Happens just about every time somebody builds a
decently-sized model with IRSTLM. . .

On 09/27/11 07:54, Nicola Bertoldi wrote:
> Let's move into a private thread for next mails
> to not bother moses-support list
> Please send me as much logging information as possible
> Furthermore, try to compute the likelihood of the target sentence
> which gives the positive logprob   with compile-lm program of IRSTLM
> run the command as follows
> echo "_your_setence_"      |      compile-lm   _yourLM_ --eval /dev/stdin -d 3
> and collect stdout and sterr
> Which are the parameters you used for the estimation of your LM?
> Which version of IRSTLM are you using?
> cheers,
> Nicola Bertoldi
> On Sep 26, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Abbasov Samir wrote:
>> Hi, i have trained 6 gram language model with IRSTLM on billion words
>> tokens, but some log probabilities are positive, which they must be
>> negative, why?
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