Hi all

if you're checking out the latest github code, there are some changes 
you should be aware of:
    1. There is a new argument to train-model.perl
            -external-bin-dir [path]
         This points to the directory where Giza++/mgiza lives. Setting 
this is MANDATORY if you're using train-model.perl to do the word 
alignment. It used to be hardcoded in the perl code itself.
    2. All the training programs have been moved into the directory
        They should be run from there, not from wherever the source code is.
    3. To roll out, simply copy the 2 directories
        to wherever you want, eg.
    4. If you don't want to move it anywhere, you can run it from where 
you downloaded.
    5. The EMS and example files have been updated.

Hope this is ok for everyone. It may break some people's setup. If 
possible, please change your setup. It's gonna help us all in the long 
run. If not, flame me & i'll see what I can do


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