
the comment at the beginning on the section on specifying the external
bin dir containing GIZA++, mkcls, etc., is meant to inform that
whenever you run any of the invocations of train-model.perl described
later in the instructions, you must also include this specification.

Running train-model.perl with just the external-bin specification and
nothing else will not do anything useful (the error message you get
informs you that you need to specify a parallel training corpus).


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Eleni Teshome <tesh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I started using the site moses baseline and
> I got to training the translation system part and when i write the command:
> nohup nice ~/mosesdecoder. ... It creates a training.out file that displays;
> nohup: ignoring input Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at
> ~/mosesdecoder/dist/training/train-model.perl line 1761 Using
> SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR: ~/mosesdecoder/dist . . . ERROR: Cannot find mkcls, GIZA++,
> & snt2cooc.out/snt2cooc in . You MUST specify the parameter
> -external-bin-dir at ~/mosesdecoder/dist/training/train-model.perl line 306
> Then i went to the training directory and typed the following command:
> train-model.perl -external-bin-dir ~/external-bin-dir And it displayed the
> following; Using SCRIPTS_ROOTDIR: ~/mosedecoder/dist Using single-thread
> GIZA ERROR: use --corpus to specify corpus at
> ~/mosesdecoder/dist/training/train-model.perl line 314
> Can you please tell me how to specify that giza++ and the other files?
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