yes, the parallel data is UTF8.(one is UTF8 and one is ascii).
all of the pre-processioning  steps are done with moses scripts.

here is the EMS config file content:



### directory in which experiment is run
working-dir = /opt/tools/workingEms

# specification of the language pair
input-extension = En
output-extension = Fa
pair-extension = En-Fa

### directories that contain tools and data
# moses
moses-src-dir = /opt/tools/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0
# moses binaries
moses-bin-dir = $moses-src-dir/bin
# moses scripts
moses-script-dir = $moses-src-dir/scripts
# directory where GIZA++/MGIZA programs resides
external-bin-dir = $moses-src-dir/tools
# srilm
#srilm-dir = $moses-src-dir/srilm/bin/i686
# irstlm
irstlm-dir = /opt/tools/irstlm/bin
# randlm
#randlm-dir = $moses-src-dir/randlm/bin
# data
toy-data = /opt/tools/dataset/mizan

### basic tools
# moses decoder
decoder = $moses-bin-dir/moses

# conversion of phrase table into binary on-disk format
ttable-binarizer = $moses-bin-dir/processPhraseTable

# conversion of rule table into binary on-disk format
#ttable-binarizer = "$moses-bin-dir/CreateOnDiskPt 1 1 5 100 2"

# tokenizers - comment out if all your data is already tokenized
input-tokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -a -l
output-tokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -a -l

# truecasers - comment out if you do not use the truecaser
input-truecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/truecase.perl
output-truecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/truecase.perl
detruecaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/detruecase.perl

### generic parallelizer for cluster and multi-core machines
# you may specify a script that allows the parallel execution
# parallizable steps (see meta file). you also need specify
# the number of jobs (cluster) or cores (multicore)
#generic-parallelizer =
#generic-parallelizer =

### cluster settings (if run on a cluster machine)
# number of jobs to be submitted in parallel
#jobs = 10

# arguments to qsub when scheduling a job
#qsub-settings = ""

# project for priviledges and usage accounting
#qsub-project = iccs_smt

# memory and time
#qsub-memory = 4
#qsub-hours = 48

### multi-core settings
# when the generic parallelizer is used, the number of cores
# specified here
cores = 8

# create a tokenized, sentence-aligned corpus, ready for training


### long sentences are filtered out, since they slow down GIZA++
# and are a less reliable source of data. set here the maximum
# length of a sentence
max-sentence-length = 80


### command to run to get raw corpus files
# get-corpus-script =

### raw corpus files (untokenized, but sentence aligned)
raw-stem = $toy-data/M_Tr

### tokenized corpus files (may contain long sentences)
#tokenized-stem =

### if sentence filtering should be skipped,
# point to the clean training data
#clean-stem =

### if corpus preparation should be skipped,
# point to the prepared training data
#lowercased-stem =



### tool to be used for language model training
# srilm
#lm-training = $srilm-dir/ngram-count
#settings = "-interpolate -kndiscount -unk"

# irstlm training
# msb = modified kneser ney; p=0 no singleton pruning
#lm-training = "$moses-script-dir/generic/trainlm-irst2.perl -cores $cores
-irst-dir $irstlm-dir -temp-dir $working-dir/tmp"
#settings = "-s msb -p 0"

# order of the language model
order = 5

### tool to be used for training randomized language model from scratch
# (more commonly, a SRILM is trained)
#rlm-training = "$randlm-dir/buildlm -falsepos 8 -values 8"

### script to use for binary table format for irstlm or kenlm
# (default: no binarization)

# irstlm
#lm-binarizer = $irstlm-dir/compile-lm

# kenlm, also set type to 8
#lm-binarizer = $moses-bin-dir/build_binary
#type = 8

### script to create quantized language model format (irstlm)
# (default: no quantization)
#lm-quantizer = $irstlm-dir/quantize-lm

### script to use for converting into randomized table format
# (default: no randomization)
#lm-randomizer = "$randlm-dir/buildlm -falsepos 8 -values 8"

### each language model to be used has its own section here


### command to run to get raw corpus files
#get-corpus-script = ""

### raw corpus (untokenized)
raw-corpus = $toy-data/M_Tr.$output-extension

### tokenized corpus files (may contain long sentences)
#tokenized-corpus =

### if corpus preparation should be skipped,
# point to the prepared language model
lm = /opt/tools/lm2/M_FaforLm.blm.Fa



# if multiple language models are used, these may be combined
# by optimizing perplexity on a tuning set
# see, for instance [Koehn and Schwenk, IJCNLP 2008]

### script to interpolate language models
# if commented out, no interpolation is performed
# script = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/interpolate-lm.perl

### tuning set
# you may use the same set that is used for mert tuning (reference set)
#tuning-sgm =
#raw-tuning =
#tokenized-tuning =
#factored-tuning =
#lowercased-tuning =
#split-tuning =

### group language models for hierarchical interpolation
# (flat interpolation is limited to 10 language models)
#group = "first,second fourth,fifth"

### script to use for binary table format for irstlm or kenlm
# (default: no binarization)

# irstlm
#lm-binarizer = $irstlm-dir/compile-lm

# kenlm, also set type to 8
#lm-binarizer = $moses-bin-dir/build_binary
type = 8

### script to create quantized language model format (irstlm)
# (default: no quantization)
#lm-quantizer = $irstlm-dir/quantize-lm

### script to use for converting into randomized table format
# (default: no randomization)
#lm-randomizer = "$randlm-dir/buildlm -falsepos 8 -values 8"



### specifications for language models to be trained
#lm-training = $srilm-dir/ngram-count
#lm-settings = "-interpolate -kndiscount -unk"
#lm-binarizer = $moses-src-dir/bin/build_binary
#lm-query = $moses-src-dir/bin/query
#order = 5

### in-/out-of-domain source/target corpora to train the 4 language model
# in-domain: point either to a parallel corpus
#outdomain-stem = [CORPUS:toy:clean-split-stem]

# ... or to two separate monolingual corpora
#indomain-target = [LM:toy:lowercased-corpus]
#raw-indomain-source = $toy-data/M_Tr.$input-extension

# point to out-of-domain parallel corpus
#outdomain-stem = [CORPUS:giga:clean-split-stem]

# settings: number of lines sampled from the corpora to train each language
model on
# (if used at all, should be small as a percentage of corpus)
#settings = "--line-count 100000"



### training script to be used: either a legacy script or
# current moses training script (default)
script = $moses-script-dir/training/train-model.perl

### general options
# these are options that are passed on to train-model.perl, for instance
# * "-mgiza -mgiza-cpus 8" to use mgiza instead of giza
# * "-sort-buffer-size 8G -sort-compress gzip" to reduce on-disk sorting
# * "-sort-parallel 8 -cores 8" to speed up phrase table building
#training-options = ""

### factored training: specify here which factors used
# if none specified, single factor training is assumed
# (one translation step, surface to surface)
#input-factors = word lemma pos morph
#output-factors = word lemma pos
#alignment-factors = "word -> word"
#translation-factors = "word -> word"
#reordering-factors = "word -> word"
#generation-factors = "word -> pos"
#decoding-steps = "t0, g0"

### parallelization of data preparation step
# the two directions of the data preparation can be run in parallel
# comment out if not needed
parallel = yes

### pre-computation for giza++
# giza++ has a more efficient data structure that needs to be
# initialized with snt2cooc. if run in parallel, this may reduces
# memory requirements. set here the number of parts
#run-giza-in-parts = 5

### symmetrization method to obtain word alignments from giza output
# (commonly used: grow-diag-final-and)
alignment-symmetrization-method = grow-diag-final-and

### use of berkeley aligner for word alignment
#use-berkeley = true
#alignment-symmetrization-method = berkeley
#berkeley-train = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/
#berkeley-process =  $moses-script-dir/ems/support/
#berkeley-jar = /your/path/to/berkeleyaligner-1.1/berkeleyaligner.jar
#berkeley-java-options = "-server -mx30000m -ea"
#berkeley-training-options = "-Main.iters 5 5 -EMWordAligner.numThreads 8"
#berkeley-process-options = "-EMWordAligner.numThreads 8"
#berkeley-posterior = 0.5

### use of baseline alignment model (incremental training)
#baseline = 68
#baseline-alignment-model =
"$working-dir/training/prepared.$baseline/$input-extension.vcb \
#  $working-dir/training/prepared.$baseline/$output-extension.vcb \

### if word alignment should be skipped,
# point to word alignment files
#word-alignment = $working-dir/model/aligned.1

### filtering some corpora with modified Moore-Lewis
# specify corpora to be filtered and ratio to be kept, either before or
after word alignment
#mml-filter-corpora = toy
#mml-before-wa = "-proportion 0.9"
#mml-after-wa = "-proportion 0.9"

### create a bilingual concordancer for the model
#biconcor = $moses-script-dir/ems/biconcor/biconcor

### lexicalized reordering: specify orientation type
# (default: only distance-based reordering model)
lexicalized-reordering = msd-bidirectional-fe

### hierarchical rule set
#hierarchical-rule-set = true

### settings for rule extraction
#extract-settings = ""
max-phrase-length = 5

### add extracted phrases from baseline model
#baseline-extract = $working-dir/model/extract.$baseline
# requires aligned parallel corpus for re-estimating lexical translation
#baseline-corpus = $working-dir/training/corpus.$baseline
#baseline-alignment =

### unknown word labels (target syntax only)
# enables use of unknown word labels during decoding
# label file is generated during rule extraction
#use-unknown-word-labels = true

### if phrase extraction should be skipped,
# point to stem for extract files
# extracted-phrases =

### settings for rule scoring
score-settings = "--GoodTuring"

### include word alignment in phrase table
#include-word-alignment-in-rules = yes

### sparse lexical features
#sparse-lexical-features = "target-word-insertion top 50,
source-word-deletion top 50, word-translation top 50 50, phrase-length"

### domain adaptation settings
# options: sparse, any of: indicator, subset, ratio
#domain-features = "subset"

### if phrase table training should be skipped,
# point to phrase translation table
# phrase-translation-table =

### if reordering table training should be skipped,
# point to reordering table
# reordering-table =

### filtering the phrase table based on significance tests
# Johnson, Martin, Foster and Kuhn. (2007): "Improving Translation Quality
by Discarding Most of the Phrasetable"
# options: -n number of translations; -l 'a+e', 'a-e', or a positive real
value -log prob threshold
#salm-index = /path/to/project/salm/Bin/Linux/Index/IndexSA.O64
#sigtest-filter = "-l a+e -n 50"

### if training should be skipped,
# point to a configuration file that contains
# pointers to all relevant model files
#config-with-reused-weights =

### TUNING: finding good weights for model components


### instead of tuning with this setting, old weights may be recycled
# specify here an old configuration file with matching weights
weight-config = $toy-data/weight.ini

### tuning script to be used
tuning-script = $moses-script-dir/training/
tuning-settings = "-mertdir $moses-bin-dir"

### specify the corpus used for tuning
# it should contain 1000s of sentences
#input-sgm =
#raw-input =
#tokenized-input =
#factorized-input =
#input =
#reference-sgm =
#raw-reference =
#tokenized-reference =
#factorized-reference =
#reference =

### size of n-best list used (typically 100)
nbest = 100

### ranges for weights for random initialization
# if not specified, the tuning script will use generic ranges
# it is not clear, if this matters
# lambda =

### additional flags for the filter script
filter-settings = ""

### additional flags for the decoder
decoder-settings = ""

### if tuning should be skipped, specify this here
# and also point to a configuration file that contains
# pointers to all relevant model files
#config =

## RECASER: restore case, this part only trains the model


#decoder = $moses-bin-dir/moses

### training data
# raw input needs to be still tokenized,
# also also tokenized input may be specified
#tokenized = [LM:europarl:tokenized-corpus]

# recase-config =

#lm-training = $srilm-dir/ngram-count

## TRUECASER: train model to truecase corpora and input


### script to train truecaser models
trainer = $moses-script-dir/recaser/train-truecaser.perl

### training data
# data on which truecaser is trained
# if no training data is specified, parallel corpus is used
# raw-stem =
# tokenized-stem =

### trained model
# truecase-model =

## EVALUATION: translating a test set using the tuned system and score it


### additional flags for the filter script
#filter-settings = ""

### additional decoder settings
# switches for the Moses decoder
# common choices:
#   "-threads N" for multi-threading
#   "-mbr" for MBR decoding
#   "-drop-unknown" for dropping unknown source words
#   "-search-algorithm 1 -cube-pruning-pop-limit 5000 -s 5000" for cube
decoder-settings = "-search-algorithm 1 -cube-pruning-pop-limit 5000 -s

### specify size of n-best list, if produced
#nbest = 100

### multiple reference translations
#multiref = yes

### prepare system output for scoring
# this may include detokenization and wrapping output in sgm
# (needed for nist-bleu, ter, meteor)
detokenizer = "$moses-script-dir/tokenizer/detokenizer.perl -l
#recaser = $moses-script-dir/recaser/recase.perl
wrapping-script = "$moses-script-dir/ems/support/wrap-xml.perl
#output-sgm =

### BLEU
nist-bleu = $moses-script-dir/generic/
nist-bleu-c = "$moses-script-dir/generic/ -c"
#multi-bleu = $moses-script-dir/generic/multi-bleu.perl
#ibm-bleu =

### TER: translation error rate (BBN metric) based on edit distance
# not yet integrated
# ter =

### METEOR: gives credit to stem / worknet synonym matches
# not yet integrated
# meteor =

### Analysis: carry out various forms of analysis on the output
analysis = $moses-script-dir/ems/support/analysis.perl
# also report on input coverage
analyze-coverage = yes
# also report on phrase mappings used
report-segmentation = yes
# report precision of translations for each input word, broken down by
# count of input word in corpus and model
#report-precision-by-coverage = yes
# further precision breakdown by factor
#precision-by-coverage-factor = pos
# visualization of the search graph in tree-based models
#analyze-search-graph = yes


### input data
input-sgm = $toy-data/M_Ts.$input-extension
# raw-input =
# tokenized-input =
# factorized-input =
# input =

### reference data
reference-sgm = $toy-data/M_Ts.$output-extension
# raw-reference =
# tokenized-reference =
# reference =

### analysis settings
# may contain any of the general evaluation analysis settings
# specific setting: base coverage statistics on earlier run
#precision-by-coverage-base = $working-dir/evaluation/test.analysis.5

### wrapping frame
# for nist-bleu and other scoring scripts, the output needs to be wrapped
# in sgm markup (typically like the input sgm)
wrapping-frame = $input-sgm

### REPORTING: summarize evaluation scores


### currently no parameters for reporting section


On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Hieu Hoang <> wrote:

> are you sure the parallel data is encoded in UTF8? Was it tokenized,
> cleaned and escaped by the Moses scripts or by another external script?
> Can you please send me you EMS config file too
> On 7 December 2013 14:03, amir haghighi <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have also the same problem in evaluation step with EMS and I would be
>> thankful if you could help me.
>> the lexical reordering file is emtpy and the log of the output in
>> evaluation_test_filter.2.stderr is:
>> /opt/tools/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/scripts
>> (9) create moses.ini @ Sat Dec  7 04:50:15 PST 2013
>> Executing: mkdir -p /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2
>> Considering factor 0
>> Considering factor 0
>> filtering /opt/tools/workingEms/model/phrase-table.2 ->
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/phrase-table.0-0.1.1...
>> 0 of 2197240 phrases pairs used (0.00%) - note: max length 10
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/phrase-table.0-0.1.1 |
>> LC_ALL=C sort -T /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2 |
>> /opt/tools/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/bin/processPhraseTable
>> -ttable 0 0 - -nscores 5 -out
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/phrase-table.0-0.1.1
>> processing ptree for stdin
>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>> filtering
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/model/reordering-table.2.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.gz
>> ->
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/reordering-table.2.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe...
>> 0 of 2197240 phrases pairs used (0.00%) - note: max length 10
>> binarizing.../opt/tools/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-1.0/bin/processLexicalTable
>> -in
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/reordering-table.2.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe
>> -out
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/reordering-table.2.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe
>> processLexicalTable v0.1 by Konrad Rawlik
>> processing
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/reordering-table.2.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe
>> to
>> /opt/tools/workingEms/evaluation/test.filtered.2/reordering-table.2.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.*
>> ERROR: empty lexicalised reordering file
>> Barry Haddow <bhaddow@...> writes:
>> >
>> > Hi Irene
>> >
>> >  > But the output is empty. And the errors are 1. segmentation fault
>> > 2. error: empty lexicalized
>> >  > reordering file
>> >
>> > Is this lexicalised reordering file empty then?
>> >
>> > It would be helpful if you could post the full log of the output when
>> > your run the filter command,
>> >
>> > cheers - Barry
>> >
>> > On 26/10/12 17:59, Irene Huang wrote:
>> > > Hi, I have trained and tuned the model, now I am using
>> > >
>> > >  ~/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/
>> > > <> filtered-newstest2011
>> > > mert-work/moses.ini ~/corpus/
>> > > <>  \
>> > >   -Binarizer ~/mosesdecoder/bin/processPhraseTable
>> > >
>> > > to filter the phrase table.
>> > >
>> > > But the output is empty. And the errors are 1. segmentation fault
>> > > 2. error: empty lexicalized reordering file
>> > >
>> > > So does this mean it's out of memory error?
>> > >
>> > > Thanks
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > _______________________________________________
>> > > Moses-support mailing list
>> > > Moses-support@...
>> > >
>> >
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moses-support mailing list
> --
> Hieu Hoang
> Research Associate
> University of Edinburgh
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