Hi Hui

I have a vague memory that very short corpora cause problems ...

If you edit scripts/generic/extract-parallel.perl to comment out the
following line (line 223 in my version):

$cmd = "rm -rf $TMPDIR \n";

then rerun, it should retain the tmp directory created during
extraction. You could then rerun extract manually and look for the
problem. If you don't see anything odd, then upload to pastebin of
dropbox and send out the link - or just email if it's small.

cheers - Barry

On 24/02/14 16:00, 李惠惠 wrote:
> Hi Barry,
> I tried to use absolute paths like this:
> hli@themisto:~$ /home/hli/MT/moses/scripts/training/train-model.perl
> /home/hli/MT -corpus /home/hli/MT/lm/1545.test.lowercased
> -external-bin-dir /home/hli/MT/bin -e de -f ade -alignment
> grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe -lm
> 0:3:/home/hli/MT/lm/1545.test.lm >& training.out &
> but the same error still exists.
> Is that anything wrong with my corpus?
> Best,
> Hui
> 2014-02-24 16:48 GMT+01:00 Barry Haddow <bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk
> <mailto:bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>>:
>     Hi Hui
>     It looks like your extract failed, but there is no error message.
>     Do you think it ran out of disk? Could you try again, but use
>     absolute paths everywhere?
>     cheers - Barry
>     On 24/02/14 09:44, 李惠惠 wrote:
>         Hi Barry,
>         attached is my log of phrase model training. Thx a lot.
>         Best,
>         Hui
>         2014-02-24 10:18 GMT+01:00 Barry Haddow
>         <bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk
>         <mailto:bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>
>         <mailto:bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk
>         <mailto:bhad...@staffmail.ed.ac.uk>>>:
>         Hi Hui
>         Something went wrong earlier in training which meant that
>         extract.o.sorted.gz was not created. You need to attach the log of
>         train-model,
>         cheers - Barry
>         On 24/02/14 08:38, 李惠惠 wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         when I was training the phrase model,
>         hli@themisto:~/MT$ moses/scripts/training/train-model.perl
>         home/hli/MT -corpus lm/1545.test.lowercased -external-bin-dir
>         bin -e de -f ade -alignment grow-diag-final-and -reordering
>         msd-bidirectional-fe -lm 0:3:/home/hli/MT/lm/1545.test.lm
>         I obtained this error:
>         scores lexical reordering models of several types
>         (hierarchical, phrase-based and word-based-extraction
>         terminate called after throwing an instance of
>         'util::ErrnoException'
>         what(): util/file.cc:67 in int util::OpenReadOrThrow(const
>         char*) threw ErrnoException because `-1 == (ret = open(name,
>         00))'.
>         No such file or directory while opening
>         ./model/extract.o.sorted.gz
>         Aborted (core dumped)
>         Exit code: 134
>         ERROR: Lexical reordering scoring failed at
>         moses/scripts/training/train-model.perl line 1738.
>         Attached is my corpus, could you help me to find out what's
>         wrong with it ?
>         Thx a lot!
>         Best Regards,
>         Hui Li
>         Institute of Computer Science
>         Heidelberg
>         *
>         *
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