tried to binarise the phrase table and got in to trouble.

1. Error messages, as below. What's that?
distinct source phrases: 439511 distinct first words of source phrases:
67600 number of phrase pairs (line count): 940438
Count of lines with missing alignments: 0/940438
WARNING: there are src voc entries with no phrase translation: count
There exists phrase translations for 65432 entries

2. Modify the moses.ini file. I've found this on the Moses/Baseline
  1. Change PhraseDictionaryMemory to PhraseDictionaryBinary
   2. Set the path of the PhraseDictionary feature to point to
   3. Set the path of the LexicalReordering feature to point to

But I cannot find any such entries in my moses.ini - maybe because I'm
running a somewhat older version of Moses. I've found e.g. the following
lines in my ini-file:

0 0 0 5 /home/per/working/train/model/phrase-table.gz

# distortion (reordering) files
0-0 wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff 6

How should I change the entries to use my binarised model?

Per Tunedal

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