Massinissa Ahmim schreef op de 11e dag van de lentemaand van het jaar 2014:

> Hi Peter,
> There is obviously an issue with your training data, have you used
> the proj-syndicate corpora? if so please paste here your training command
> I'd be interested to see that.

I have data downloaded from here:

This is the training command:

train-model.perl \
  --root-dir unfactored \
  --corpus factored-corpus/proj-syndicate \
  --f de --e en \
  --lm 0:3:/net/aistaff/kleiweg/moses/test/factored-corpus/surface.lm:0 \
  --external-bin-dir /net/aps/64/opt/moses/giza-pp/bin \
   > training.out \
   2> training.err &

> Regards
> M
> 2014-03-11 19:25 GMT+01:00 Peter Kleiweg <>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > >From the manual:
> >
> > I have run the example from part 3.2.1, page 64, to create
> > unfactored/model/moses.ini
> >
> > At the bottom of page 67 is this example:
> >
> >     moses -f unfactored/model/moses.ini < in -d 0.2
> >
> > The file 'in' contains:
> >
> >     menschen beschreibt putin .
> >
> > (The -d 0.2 causes an error in all examples, so I leave that out)
> >
> >
> > I get an error:
> >
> >     Exception: moses/Word.cpp:112 in void
> > Moses::Word::CreateFromString(Moses::FactorDirection, const
> > std::vector<long unsigned int>&, const StringPiece&, bool) threw
> > StrayFactorException because `fit'.
> >     You have configured 1 factors but the word !|!|. contains factor
> > delimiter | too many times.
> >
> > What is wrong, and how do I fix this?
> >
> > All other examples in section 3.2 work OK.
> >
> >
> > I have moses built with both IRSTLM and SRILM.

Peter Kleiweg
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