Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junczys@...> writes:

>  will try to have a look what is going on there (I dread the code), but if
anyone has some ideas, the same experience or wants to help that would be
most welcome. It seems Model 1 is fine, and speed improves with a greater
number of threads, but the other models are off. Also htop shows mgiza is
mostly in kernel-mode (all red bars instead of green) once the HMM
iterations start. 

Hi Marcin,

looking at hmm.cpp (lines 446-485), some counts get synchronized between
threads for every sentence. Maybe I missed something and the counts actually
need to be synchronized ASAP, but it looks to me as if every thread could
work with its own data structure, with a single synchronization between
threads after the loop.

best wishes,

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