Hi Rico, 

there is more going on than that. I just disabled all those locks for
testing and nothing changes (funnily it's not even crashing). I will try
to have a look. Rewriting everything so each thread get's
thread-specific datastructures might be more than I am ready to do
though. On the other hand, sounds like a good plan for Christmas. 



W dniu 2014-12-22 16:12, Rico Sennrich napisaƂ(a): 

> Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt <junczys@...> writes:
>> will try to have a look what is going on there (I dread the code), but if
> anyone has some ideas, the same experience or wants to help that would be
> most welcome. It seems Model 1 is fine, and speed improves with a greater
> number of threads, but the other models are off. Also htop shows mgiza is
> mostly in kernel-mode (all red bars instead of green) once the HMM
> iterations start. 
> Hi Marcin,
> looking at hmm.cpp (lines 446-485), some counts get synchronized between
> threads for every sentence. Maybe I missed something and the counts actually
> need to be synchronized ASAP, but it looks to me as if every thread could
> work with its own data structure, with a single synchronization between
> threads after the loop.
> best wishes,
> Rico
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