I am trying to do testing part in moses baseline but i am facing some issue
please help me out of it here is what exactly i am doing  i have done up to

It shows PhraseDictionaryCompact is not registered even after I made the
changes in moses.ini file.

here is testing part...

 $ ~/working$ ~/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-3.0/

$ ~/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-3.0/

copied of the ~/working/mert-work/moses.ini in the binarised-model

now i changed moses.ini file.

1. Change PhraseDictionaryMemory to PhraseDictionaryBinary

2. Set the path of the PhraseDictionary feature to point to

3. Set the path of the LexicalReordering feature to point to

 then ...

echo "The house was built in 14th century" | ~/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-3.0/

Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):

config: /home/*******/working/
distortion-limit: 6
feature: UnknownWordPenalty WordPenalty PhrasePenalty
PhraseDictionaryCompact name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
input-factors: 0
mapping: 0 T 0
weight: LexicalReordering0= 0.0639361 0.0474959 0.0356438 0.0306086
0.0167372 0.0750312 Distortion0= 0.0116104 LM0= 0.0314945 WordPenalty0=
-0.109872 PhrasePenalty0= -0.22791 TranslationModel0= 0.0253477 0.00221282
0.311753 -0.0103464 UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
FeatureFunction: UnknownWordPenalty0 start: 0 end: 0
FeatureFunction: WordPenalty0 start: 1 end: 1
FeatureFunction: PhrasePenalty0 start: 2 end: 2
line=PhraseDictionaryCompact name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
Exception: moses/FF/Factory.cpp:321 in void Moses::FeatureRegistry::
*Feature name PhraseDictionaryCompact is not registered.*


now if i keep PhraseDictionaryCompact as it was before
PhraseDictionaryBinary then out output here .

~/working$ echo "The house was built in 14th century" |

Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
config: /home/techmahindra/working/
distortion-limit: 6
feature: UnknownWordPenalty WordPenalty PhrasePenalty
PhraseDictionaryBinary name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
input-factors: 0
mapping: 0 T 0
weight: LexicalReordering0= 0.0639361 0.0474959 0.0356438 0.0306086
0.0167372 0.0750312 Distortion0= 0.0116104 LM0= 0.0314945 WordPenalty0=
-0.109872 PhrasePenalty0= -0.22791 TranslationModel0= 0.0253477 0.00221282
0.311753 -0.0103464 UnknownWordPenalty0= 1
FeatureFunction: UnknownWordPenalty0 start: 0 end: 0
FeatureFunction: WordPenalty0 start: 1 end: 1
FeatureFunction: PhrasePenalty0 start: 2 end: 2
line=PhraseDictionaryBinary name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
FeatureFunction: TranslationModel0 start: 3 end: 6
line=LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6
FeatureFunction: LexicalReordering0 start: 7 end: 12
Initializing LexicalReordering..
FeatureFunction: Distortion0 start: 13 end: 13
line=KENLM lazyken=0 name=LM0 factor=0 path=/home/******/lm/test.en-
FeatureFunction: LM0 start: 14 end: 14
Loading UnknownWordPenalty0
Loading WordPenalty0
Loading PhrasePenalty0
Loading LexicalReordering0
binary file loaded, default OFF_T: -1
Loading Distortion0
Loading LM0
Loading TranslationModel0
Created input-output object : [0.012] seconds
Translating: The house was built in 14th century
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::Exception'
what():moses/PDTAimp.cpp:173 in void Moses::PDTAimp::Create(const
std::vector<long unsigned int>&, const std::vector<long unsigned int>&,
const string&, const std::vector<float>&) threw util::Exception'.
bin ttable does not exist
Aborted (core dumped)
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