Hi Tomek

Yes, that's quite a low score. Have a look at the translation output, do the sentences have lots of English words in them, are they very long, very short, or scrambled in some other way?

The commonest problem is that something went wrong in corpus preparation, for example the corpora weren't correctly aligned, some parts got swapped around accidentally, they were not consistently tokenised or truecased, etc.

Did you run tuning? , and if so double-check that you passed the correct files (input and reference) to tuning,

cheers - Barry

On 07/09/15 08:15, Tomasz Gawryl wrote:

Hi All!

This is my first post here and AT first I want to apologize for my English but I would like to ask you some questions. I finished a full phrase based Moses training of EN-PL (English - Polish) corpus (few million sentences from free sources + half million sentences from commercial tmx). Training pipeline always ends with test translation and BLEU score. I didn’t expect the first score around 30% but my result 4.5% surprised me. Why my result is so bad? Is it a consequence of chosen language pair? Polish language is very flexible – we can interchange words in a sentence without losing sense. What should I do to improve this result? Or maybe that’s all I can get ;).



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