Hi Tomek,
4.5% definitely indicate that there was an error in your pipeline (or test data?). However, there are so many places where things could go wrong, that based on the little information you have us I could not even start guessing. Check if your line numbers match, that you use tokenized text, etc.

W dniu 07.09.2015 o 09:15, Tomasz Gawryl pisze:

Hi All!

This is my first post here and AT first I want to apologize for my English but I would like to ask you some questions. I finished a full phrase based Moses training of EN-PL (English - Polish) corpus (few million sentences from free sources + half million sentences from commercial tmx). Training pipeline always ends with test translation and BLEU score. I didn’t expect the first score around 30% but my result 4.5% surprised me. Why my result is so bad? Is it a consequence of chosen language pair? Polish language is very flexible – we can interchange words in a sentence without losing sense. What should I do to improve this result? Or maybe that’s all I can get ;).



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