what pt implementation did you use, and had it been pre-pruned so that
there's a limit on how many target phrase for a particular source phrase?
ie. don't have 10,000 entries for 'the' .

I've been digging around multithreading in the last few weeks. I've noticed
that the compact pt is VERY bad at handling unpruned pt.
    Cores               1 5 10 15 20 25 Unpruned compact pt 143 42 32 38 52
62   probing pt 245 58 33 25 24 21 Pruned compact pt 119 24 15 10 10
10   probing
pt 117 25 25 10 10 10

Hieu Hoang

On 5 October 2015 at 15:15, Michael Denkowski <michael.j.denkow...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Like some other Moses users, I noticed diminishing returns from running
> Moses with several threads.  To work around this, I added a script to run
> multiple single-threaded instances of moses instead of one multi-threaded
> instance.  In practice, this sped things up by about 2.5x for 16 cpus and
> using memory mapped models still allowed everything to fit into memory.
> If anyone else is interested in using this, you can prefix a moses command
> with scripts/generic/multi_moses.py.  To use multiple instances in
> mert-moses.pl, specify --multi-moses and control the number of parallel
> instances with --decoder-flags='-threads N'.
> Below is a benchmark on WMT fr-en data (2M training sentences, 400M words
> mono, suffix array PT, compact reordering, 5-gram KenLM) testing default
> stack decoding vs cube pruning without and with the parallelization script
> (+multi):
> ---
> 1cpu   sent/sec
> stack      1.04
> cube       2.10
> ---
> 16cpu  sent/sec
> stack      7.63
> +multi    12.20
> cube       7.63
> +multi    18.18
> ---
> --Michael
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