I knew you would ask for results and hoped to unearth my notes but no luck.
I know I don't have models archived. What I remember:

- Moses command line
- Measured total time to translate test set
- Compared .91 (or whatever the long-term stable version was then) to 2.11
- Big enterprise server (4 x quad core Xeon, 64GB memory)
- Scaling from 1 to 16 threads / processes
- In memory tables (binary), srilm .91 kenlm 2.11
- Large models, de->en, trained from everything I had - Europarl v5, UN,
- Threaded optimal was ~9, processes ~6

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:15 AM, Hieu Hoang <hieuho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike Ladwig - do you still have the results and/or model files you can
> share? I just did a comparison between v 0.91 and current master. Master is
> way better at process and multi-threaded. The old code is similarly
> afflicted the problem of not scaling above 10-15 threads. I'm surprised
> that the old code is slower in single threaded, but i'm not surprised about
> multi-threading. We've haven't traditionally looked at the that problem.
> However, v0.91 does use less memory.
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