I get this error :

moses@sgenode1:/netshr/working-en-fr$ /netshr/mosesdecoder/bin/lmplz --text /netshr/working-en-fr/lm/europarl.truecased.7 --order 5 --arpa /netshr/working-en-fr/lm/europarl.lm.7 --prune 0 0 1 -T /netshr/working-en-fr/lm -S 20%
=== 1/5 Counting and sorting n-grams ===
Reading /netshr/working-en-fr/lm/europarl.truecased.7
tcmalloc: large alloc 2755821568 bytes == 0x25d28000 @
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I installed the libgoogle-pertools-dev but same error.
Just to be clear, all these packages below are just necessary to build Moses, do I need specific packages
to run one or other binary ?


Install the following packages using the command

   sudo apt-get install [package name]


   libgoogle-perftools-dev (for tcmalloc)

Le 29/10/2015 15:18, Philipp Koehn a écrit :

make sure that all the paths are valid on all the nodes --- so definitely no relative paths.
And of course, the binaries need to be executable on all nodes as well.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Vincent Nguyen <vngu...@neuf.fr <mailto:vngu...@neuf.fr>> wrote:

    OK guys, not an easy stuff ...
    I fought to get the prerequisites working but but now at least
    jobs start .....

    and crash.

    I'll post later the details of the preliminary steps, could be useful.

    my crash is when lplmz starts.

    I have a sharepoint mounted on my nodes and all bin are well seen
    from the nodes, including the lplmz program.

    but I was thinking, do I need to actually install some packages on
    the nodes themselves ? I mean packages that do not fall under
    /mosesdecoder/ folder ?



    Le 29/10/2015 13:26, Philipp Koehn a écrit :

    these machine names are just there for convenience.

    If you want experiment.perl to submit jobs per qsub,
    all you have to do is to run experiment.perl with the
    additional switch "-cluster".

    You can also put the head node's name into the
    experiment.machines file, then you do not need to
    use the switch anymore.


    On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Vincent Nguyen <vngu...@neuf.fr
    <mailto:vngu...@neuf.fr>> wrote:

        Hi there,

        I need some clarification before screwing up some files.
        I just setup a SGE cluster with a Master + 2 Nodes.

        to make it clear let say my cluster name is "default", my master
        headnode is "master", my 2 other nodes are "node1" and "node2"

        for EMS :

        I opened the default experiment.machines file and I see :

        cluster: townhill seville hermes lion seville sannox lutzow
        multicore-4: freddie
        multicore-8: tyr thor odin crom
        multicore-16: saxnot vali vili freyja bragi hoenir
        multicore-24: syn hel skaol saga buri loki sif magni
        multicore-32: gna snotra lofn thrud

        townhill and others are what ? name machines / nodes ? name
        of several
        clusters ?
        should I just put "default" or "master node1 node2" ?

        multicore-X: should I put machine names here
        if my 3 machines are 8 cores each
        multicore-8: master node1 node2
        right ?

        then in the config file for EMS:

        #generic-parallelizer =
        #generic-parallelizer =

        which one should  take if my nodes are multicore ? still the
        first one ?

        ### cluster settings (if run on a cluster machine)
        # number of jobs to be submitted in parallel
        #jobs = 10
        should I count approx 1 job per core on the total cores of my
        3 machines ?

        # arguments to qsub when scheduling a job
        #qsub-settings = ""
        can this stay empty ?

        # project for priviledges and usage accounting
        #qsub-project = iccs_smt
        standard value ?

        # memory and time
        #qsub-memory = 4
        #qsub-hours = 48
        4 what ? GB ?

        ### multi-core settings
        # when the generic parallelizer is used, the number of cores
        # specified here
        cores = 4
        is this ignored if generic-parallelizer.perl is chosen ?

        is there a way to put more load on one specific node ?

        Many thanks,

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