hello all i got solution ....

intially input - factor and output factor are 0 and 0 resp...like

PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
path=/home/techmahindra/working/train/model/phrase-table.gz input-factor=0

then i changed to

PhraseDictionaryOnDisk name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
path=/home/techmahindra/phrase-table.1.folder input-factor=1

here factor are 1 1...i changed it to 0 0...

its working

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Apurva Joshi <apurvajoshi1...@gmail.com>

> hello all,
> initially my moses.ini file contains :
> PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
> path=/home/techmahindra/working/train/model/phrase-table.gz input-factor=0
> output-factor=0
> Now to binarise phrase table , we need to convert the rule table into a
> binary prefix format. This is done with the command CreateOnDiskPt:
> so i executed following command on terminal
> /home/techmahindra/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-3.0/bin/CreateOnDiskPt 1 1 4 100 2
> /home/techmahindra/working/train/model/phrase-table.gz
> phrase-table.1.folder
> my "CreateOnDiskPt" file is in ==
> /home/techmahindra/mosesdecoder-RELEASE-3.0/bin/
> inital phrse table "phrase-table.gz"  is in ==
> /home/techmahindra/working/train/model/
> after executing "CreateOnDiskPt" file === "phrase-table.1.folder" is
> generated in my home directory ( i.e. /home/techmahindra)
> this "phrase-table.1.folder" == contains 5 files named ==
> Misc.dat
> Source.dat
> TargetColl.dat
> TargetInd.dat
> Vocab.dat
> this is correct as per given by manual...
> Now , next i have made following changes in moses.ini
> before executing "CreateOnDiskPt" ...there was
> PhraseDictionaryMemory name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
> path=/home/techmahindra/working/train/model/phrase-table.gz input-factor=0
> output-factor=0
> i commented above with # and added following ...
> PhraseDictionaryOnDisk name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
> path=/home/techmahindra/phrase-table.1.folder input-factor=1 output-factor=1
> and saved moses.ini
> now i goto terminal and as usual process of starting moses...
> i ran moses -f moses.ini
> then surprisingly with less time loading has completed ....
> my output on terminal after loading "moses.ini" is ===
> Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
>     config: /home/techmahindra/working/train/model/moses.ini
>     distortion-limit: 6
>     feature: UnknownWordPenalty WordPenalty PhrasePenalty
> PhraseDictionaryOnDisk name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
> path=/home/techmahindra/phrase-table.1.folder input-factor=1
> output-factor=1 LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6
> type=wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff input-factor=0 output-factor=0
> path=/home/techmahindra/working/train/model/reordering-table.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.gz
> Distortion KENLM lazyken=0 name=LM0 factor=0
> path=/home/techmahindra/lm/corpora.blm.hi order=3
>     input-factors: 0
>     mapping: 0 T 0
>     weight: UnknownWordPenalty0= 1 WordPenalty0= -1 PhrasePenalty0= 0.2
> TranslationModel0= 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 LexicalReordering0= 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
> 0.3 Distortion0= 0.3 LM0= 0.5
> line=UnknownWordPenalty
> FeatureFunction: UnknownWordPenalty0 start: 0 end: 0
> line=WordPenalty
> FeatureFunction: WordPenalty0 start: 1 end: 1
> line=PhrasePenalty
> FeatureFunction: PhrasePenalty0 start: 2 end: 2
> line=PhraseDictionaryOnDisk name=TranslationModel0 num-features=4
> path=/home/techmahindra/phrase-table.1.folder input-factor=1 output-factor=1
> FeatureFunction: TranslationModel0 start: 3 end: 6
> line=LexicalReordering name=LexicalReordering0 num-features=6
> type=wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe-allff input-factor=0 output-factor=0
> path=/home/techmahindra/working/train/model/reordering-table.wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe.gz
> FeatureFunction: LexicalReordering0 start: 7 end: 12
> Initializing LexicalReordering..
> line=Distortion
> FeatureFunction: Distortion0 start: 13 end: 13
> line=KENLM lazyken=0 name=LM0 factor=0
> path=/home/techmahindra/lm/corpora.blm.hi order=3
> FeatureFunction: LM0 start: 14 end: 14
> Loading UnknownWordPenalty0
> Loading WordPenalty0
> Loading PhrasePenalty0
> Loading LexicalReordering0
> Loading table into memory...done.
> Loading Distortion0
> Loading LM0
> Loading TranslationModel0
> Created input-output object : [115.699] seconds
> NOW, when i give input(e.g. "hello" , i expect hindi translation of
> "hello")....but it is giving following error ....
> hello
> Translating: hello
> Line 0: Initialize search took 0.300 seconds total
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'util::Exception'
>   what():  OnDiskPt/OnDiskWrapper.cpp:230 in OnDiskPt::Word*
> OnDiskPt::OnDiskWrapper::ConvertFromMoses(const std::vector<long unsigned
> int>&, const Moses::Word&) const threw util::Exception because `factor ==
> __null'.
> Expecting factor 1
> Aborted (core dumped)
> plzz help ...plz do reply on  apurvajoshi1...@gmail.com
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