Hi Hieu,

Just to provide more info, I had compiled moses using the following command: 
"./bjam -j8 -q --with-cmph=/cs/natlang-user/jasneet/softwares/cmph-2.0/ 
--with-boost=/cs/natlang-user/jasneet/softwares/boost/ --max-kenlm-order=8 -a 
--with-mm --with-probing-pt”. 

Following are some more translation times from the logs using the command: 

$ grep “Translation took” mert.log

Line 53: Translation took 9504.886 seconds total
Line 25: Translation took 16931.106 seconds total
Line 20: Translation took 17477.958 seconds total
Line 34: Translation took 18409.183 seconds total
Line 36: Translation took 20495.204 seconds total
Line 48: Translation took 16093.966 seconds total
Line 68: Translation took 4773.139 seconds total
Line 18: Translation took 22165.429 seconds total
Line 10: Translation took 23794.930 seconds total
Line 11: Translation took 26313.130 seconds total
Line 74: Translation took 6238.326 seconds total
Line 66: Translation took 14968.715 seconds total
Line 3: Translation took 28973.902 seconds total
Line 45: Translation took 27619.088 seconds total
Line 81: Translation took 4666.394 seconds total
Line 37: Translation took 36502.892 seconds total
Line 83: Translation took 3143.882 seconds total
Line 70: Translation took 20143.743 seconds total
Line 1: Translation took 38498.391 seconds total
Line 19: Translation took 39683.472 seconds total
Line 15: Translation took 39903.566 seconds total
Line 33: Translation took 40047.447 seconds total

The times are extremely high and I’m not really sure why it is taking so much 

> On Feb 18, 2016, at 11:04 AM, Jasneet Sabharwal <jasneet.sabhar...@sfu.ca> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to solve the segmentation fault issue. It was because of OOVs. I’m 
> currently trying to tune the parameters using mert, but it is running 
> extremely slow. For example, from the logs: 
> Translating: 美国 之 音 记者 伏 来 库 斯 从 布宜诺斯艾利斯 发 来 的 另 一 篇 报导 说 , 几 名 美国 国会 议员 星期二 
> 把 这 一 争论 带 到 了 布宜诺斯艾利斯 的 会议 大厅 。
> Line 43: Initialize search took 0.007 seconds total
> Line 43: Collecting options took 0.191 seconds at moses/Manager.cpp:117
> Line 38: Search took 1092.075 seconds
> Line 38: Decision rule took 0.000 seconds total
> Line 38: Additional reporting took 0.041 seconds total
> Line 38: Translation took 1092.132 seconds total
> I tried to time the functions in my feature function 
> <https://github.com/KonceptGeek/mosesdecoder/blob/master/moses/FF/CoarseBiLM.cpp>
>  using clock_t but all of them show up as 0.000. I’m not sure why tuning is 
> taking too much time. My moses.ini is attached in this email.
> Any suggestions would be helpful.
> Regards,
> Jasneet
> <moses.ini>
>> On Feb 12, 2016, at 3:58 PM, Hieu Hoang <hieuho...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:hieuho...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I think it's 
>>    FeatureFunction::GetScoreProducerDescription()
>> On 12/02/16 23:56, Jasneet Sabharwal wrote:
>>> Thanks, will give that a try. 
>>> Also, is it possible to get the value of feature name inside the feature 
>>> function. I’m specifically talking about “name” parameter in moses.ini. I’m 
>>> running multiple copies of my feature function with different parameter as 
>>> follows:
>>> CoarseBiLM name=CoarseBiLM tgtWordId...
>>> CoarseBiLM name=CoarseLM100 tgtWordId…
>>> CoarseBiLM name=CoarseLM1600 tgtWordId...
>>> CoarseBiLM name=CoarseBiLMWithoutClustering tgtWordId…
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jasneet
>>>> On Feb 12, 2016, at 3:39 PM, Hieu Hoang < 
>>>> <mailto:hieuho...@gmail.com>hieuho...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:hieuho...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> you can run the decoder
>>>>   ./moses -v 3
>>>> however, you should put debugging messages in your feature functions to 
>>>> find out where the problem is. It looks like its in the Load() method so 
>>>> add lots of debugging message in there and all functions it calls
>>>> On 12/02/16 23:34, Jasneet Sabharwal wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Hieu for your reply. 
>>>>> Is it possible to do a verbose output of what’s happening, so that I can 
>>>>> identify when it’s going out of memory? I’m only running it for 1928 
>>>>> sentences. I have almost 170gb of free memory and additional 400gb memory 
>>>>> in buffer.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jasneet
>>>>>> On Feb 12, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Hieu Hoang <hieuho...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:hieuho...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> looks like it's run out of memory. 
>>>>>> On 11/02/16 23:23, Jasneet Sabharwal wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I was adding a new feature function in Moses ( 
>>>>>>> <https://github.com/KonceptGeek/mosesdecoder/blob/master/moses/FF/CoarseBiLM.cpp>https://github.com/KonceptGeek/mosesdecoder/blob/master/moses/FF/CoarseBiLM.cpp
>>>>>>> <https://github.com/KonceptGeek/mosesdecoder/blob/master/moses/FF/CoarseBiLM.cpp>).
>>>>>>>  It works fine when I test it for 1-2 sentences, but when I’m trying to 
>>>>>>> tune my parameters, I’m getting segmentation faults or sometimes it is 
>>>>>>> bad_alloc. Following was one of the commands that was executed during 
>>>>>>> the tuning process which caused the Segmentation Fault or bad_alloc:
>>>>>>> moses -threads 40 -v 0 -config filtered/moses.ini -weight-overwrite 
>>>>>>> 'CoarseLM100= 0.075758 LM0= 0.075758 CoarseBiLMNotClustered= 0.075758 
>>>>>>> WordPenalty0= -0.151515 PhrasePenalty0= 0.030303 CoarseBiLMClustered= 
>>>>>>> 0.075758 TranslationModel0= 0.030303 0.030303 0.030303 0.030303 
>>>>>>> Distortion0= 0.045455 CoarseLM1600= 0.075758 LexicalReordering0= 
>>>>>>> 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455' -n-best-list 
>>>>>>> run1.best100.out 100 distinct -input-file tune.word.lc.cn 
>>>>>>> <http://tune.word.lc.cn/>
>>>>>>> The log is enclosed in this email.
>>>>>>> Any pointers would be very useful.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Jasneet
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Hieu Hoang
>>>>>> http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu <http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu>
>>>> -- 
>>>> Hieu Hoang
>>>> http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu <http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu>
>> -- 
>> Hieu Hoang
>> http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu <http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu>

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