
I was adding a new feature function in Moses (https://github.com/KonceptGeek/mosesdecoder/blob/master/moses/FF/CoarseBiLM.cpp). It works fine when I test it for 1-2 sentences, but when I’m trying to tune my parameters, I’m getting segmentation faults or sometimes it is bad_alloc. Following was one of the commands that was executed during the tuning process which caused the Segmentation Fault or bad_alloc:

moses -threads 40 -v 0 -config filtered/moses.ini -weight-overwrite 'CoarseLM100= 0.075758 LM0= 0.075758 CoarseBiLMNotClustered= 0.075758 WordPenalty0= -0.151515 PhrasePenalty0= 0.030303 CoarseBiLMClustered= 0.075758 TranslationModel0= 0.030303 0.030303 0.030303 0.030303 Distortion0= 0.045455 CoarseLM1600= 0.075758 LexicalReordering0= 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455 0.045455' -n-best-list run1.best100.out 100 distinct -input-file tune.word.lc.cn

The log is enclosed in this email.

Any pointers would be very useful.


Loading the LM will be faster if you build a binary file.
*The ARPA file is missing <unk>.  Substituting log10 probability -100.000.
Loading table into memory...done.
Key: tgtWordToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: srcWordToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: bitokenToBitokenId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: bitokenIdToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: lm
Key: ngrams
Key: tgtWordToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: srcWordToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: bitokenToBitokenId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: lm
Key: ngrams
Key: tgtWordToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: lm
Key: ngrams
Key: tgtWordToClusterId
LoadManyToOneMap Value: 
Key: lm
Key: ngrams
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
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