
it's probably a good idea to use the full path instead of "-root-dir
train". But what is in "training.out"? That should give some clues. Are any
files created?


On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 11:57 PM, BIRENDRA CHAUHAN SINGH <
birendrachauh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> on running this command:
> mkdir ~/working
>  cd ~/working
>  nohup nice ~/mosesdecoder/scripts/training/train-model.perl -root-dir train \
>  -corpus ~/corpus/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.clean                             \
>  -f fr -e en -alignment grow-diag-final-and -reordering msd-bidirectional-fe \
>  -lm 0:3:$HOME/lm/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.blm.en:8                          \
>  -external-bin-dir ~/mosesdecoder/tools >& training.out &
> output:
> [1] 2217
> and this output comes within a sec.It does not take hours to train.I think
> its not do training may be due to some reasons.and not directory 
> ~/working/train/model
> is formed.
> So there is no moses.ini file formed.
> Can any one tell me what is happenging and why?
> Thanks.
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