******** Final CFP and Deadline Extension  ********

******** Machine Translation Journal Special Issue on Neural Network 
Approaches to Machine Translation *******


Guest editors:
Xiaodong He (Microsoft Research, US)
Qun Liu (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland)
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen, Germany)

******* The submission deadline is extended in response to requests: 
15th May 2016 ********

In recent years, Neural Network (NN) has been the driving force behind 
huge improvements in speech and image processing. This has led to high 
expectations for NN in NLP and MT. In recent top conferences, a 
significant proportion of papers in the MT domain have been related to 
NN. A large amount of recent publications have shown the effectiveness 
of NN in various aspects of MT.
Accordingly, we are pleased to put out a call for papers for a special 
issue on this topic, and welcome descriptions of innovative ways of 
addressing this challenging problem. Topics include but are not 
restricted to the following:
-- Monolingual Word/Phrase/Sentence Embedding for MT
-- Bilingual Word/Phrase/Sentence Embedding for MT
-- Neural Language Model for MT
-- Neural Translation Model for MT
-- NN for MT Evaluation
-- NN for MT Tuning
-- Neural MT / Encoder-Decoder / Sequence-to-Sequence MT
-- Attention-based Neural MT
-- Novel hybrid MT using NN
-- Applications of NN to 'hard' problems in MT
-- NN for morphologically rich language MT
-- NN for reordering in MT
-- NN for syntax-based MT
-- NN for semantic-based MT
-- NN for Context-aware MT
-- NN for language generation in MT
-- NN for MT output reranking
-- NN for MT system combination
-- NN for MT application

** Note that revised, extended versions of previously accepted papers at 
leading peer-reviewed conferences are likely to be eligible for 
inclusion under the MT journal's fast-tracking process. **
Submission guidelines:

- Authors should follow the "Instructions for Authors" available on
the MT Journal website:
- Submissions must be limited to 15 pages (including references)
- Papers should be submitted online directly on the MT journal's
submission website: http://www.editorialmanager.com/coat/default.asp,
indicating this special issue in ‘article type’
Important dates (extended):

- Paper submission: 15th May 2016.
- Notification to authors: 15th July 2016.
- Camera-ready*: 15th September 2016.
- Publication time*: October-December 2016

* tentative - depending on the number of review rounds required
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