Beyond Multilingual Europe

4/5 July 2016, Lisbon, Portugal

Call for Contributions – Deadline: 20 May 2016

META-FORUM 2016 <> is an international conference
on powerful and innovative language technologies for the multilingual
information society, the data value chain and the European multilingual
Digital Single Market. META-FORUM is a conference series organised by
META-NET <>, a European network of excellence that
consists of 60 research centres in 34 European countries. After Brussels
(2010, 2012), Budapest, (2011), Berlin (2013) and Riga (2015), META-FORUM
2016 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 4/5 July.

META-FORUM 2016 is the very first event in the conference series with an
open call for contributions – ranging from visionary ideas via concrete
applications and industry requirements to recent research results. The
target audience of the call are the European Language Technology,
Computational Linguistics, Speech, Natural Language Processing, Text
Mining, Image and Multimedia Processing, Data and Knowledge communities and
other relevant stakeholders. The event will consist of thematic sessions
concentrating on high-level strategic topics, research results and
technology areas that circle around the overarching goal of fully
unleashing the power of language technologies for the benefit of our

META-FORUM 2016 is a forum for all stakeholders around the topic of
Multilingual Europe: researchers (from academia, research centres,
industry); industry representatives who buy, integrate or design language
technologies; European research and innovation projects; members and
representatives of the language communities; associations and other
organisations working on strategies or technologies for Multilingual
Europe; national and international administrations and funding agencies;
journalists; European citizens.

We want to discuss several key questions, among others: How can Language
Technologies be designed, integrated, customised, in order to realise the
Multilingual Digital Single Market? How can they be used to realise
effective (multilingual) Data Value Chains? Where are the most severe
technology, resource and data gaps? Which kind of problems need to be
solved first and most urgently? What will multilingual Europe look like in
2030 or 2040? What kind of visionary applications does the language
technology community foresee for 2025 and beyond? Where is the European
Language Technology community and landscape headed? Are adjustments needed?
Can we expect new paradigm shifts in any specific area or subarea of our
field? Can we actively push for them? In which subareas? What is the
current role of national or international funding agencies and the current
mode of research support? Can we provide recommendations in terms of needed
adjustments and increased collaboration? What directions should our
community take and what can our community and the related stakeholders do
to maximise the impact, visibility and dissemination of our research
results? (As background material we would like to refer any interested
colleagues to the META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual
Europe 2020 <>, published in early 2013.)

We invite the wider community to submit contributions specifically on these
but also on other topics around Multilingual Europe and Language
Technology. Contributions can be of a rather general, high-level, abstract
nature or focus upon specific technical details. We especially invite
contributions from young researchers who recently completed their PhD with
excellent theses on topics that are highly relevant for a
technology-enabled Multilingual Europe or that have the medium to long term
potential to bring about smaller or bigger breakthroughs or paradigm
shifts. At the same time we also invite contributions from all other
members of the wider Language Technology community, including those who
have decades of experience working in R&D, especially between research and
industry, and who can provide valuable input, feedback and recommendations
regarding META-NET’s highly ambitious goal of realising a
technology-enabled Multilingual Europe.

At META-FORUM 2016 we will present, discuss and further shape the next
version of the Strategic Agenda for the Multilingual Digital Single Market
(SRIA), Version 0.5 of which was unveiled at META-FORUM 2015 under the
umbrella of the Riga Summit 2015. The upcoming, new version of the SRIA
will take into account the work carried out in other currently running
European initiatives and provide complementary ideas with regard to the key
question how to realise the Multilingual Digital Single Market.


We’re inviting the community to submit

   - Visionary concepts
   - Research, development or innovation results
   - Position papers
   - Novel ideas and new technological approaches
   - Medium to long term strategic approaches (including roadmaps)
   - Promising breakthroughs

on the overall topic of Multilingual Europe, especially in the context of
the Multilingual Digital Single Market and effective crosslingual data
value chains. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

   - Machine Translation and multilingual as well as crosslingual
   - Speech synthesis, speech generation, automatic speech recognition
   - Text analytics, information extraction, relation extraction, semantic
   analysis, parsing
   - Integrated image and multimedia processing in connection with text and
   - Data-, Big-Data-, Smart-Data-related technologies (including analytics
   and generation)
   - Knowledge technologies, semantic technologies, Semantic Web, Linked
   - Personal assistants, dialogue systems, and other interactive
   - Platforms, infrastructures and services for Multilingual Europe
   - Language resources for Multilingual Europe (data sets, corpora,
   lexicons, ontologies, under-resourced languages etc.)
   - Interoperability and standardisation
   - Strategic aspects, roadmaps, visionary concepts, position papers,
   research and technology gaps
   - Language Technology startups, new business models
   - The relationship between Language Technology and IT topics with high
   visibility such as, among others, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet
   of Things (Industrie 4.0 etc.), robotics, mobile devices, apps, eHealth,
   Smart Cities etc.

We invite contributions on the topics mentioned above and any related
topics of interest that are relevant for META-NET’s overall goal of
establishing Multilingual Europe through sophisticated language
technologies, especially with regard to realising the Multilingual Digital
Single Market, designing and implementing effective crosslingual data value
chains, and visionary Language Technology applications for the year 2025
and beyond.


   - Researchers who work in academia, research centres or industrial
   - Industry representatives who use, design, buy, integrate language
   - European or national projects (basic research, applied research,
   transfer, innovation)
   - Language service providers and language experts
   - Language communities
   - Associations and other organisations working on Multilingual Europe
   - Representatives from national or international administrations and
   funding agencies


   - Publication of the call for papers: 20 April 2016
   - Submissions due: 20 May 2016
   - Notification of acceptance: 04 June 2016
   - Conference: 04/05 July 2016
   - Final version of accepted papers: 31 July 2016
   - Publication of META-FORUM 2016 proceedings volume: autumn of 2016


We use easychair to handle the submission process for META-FORUM 2016.
Please submit your papers at before the deadline
of 20 May 2016. All submissions will be peer-reviewed; the review process
will not be anonymous.

Accepted contributions will be presented as shorter lightning talks, oral
presentations, part of panel discussions, software demonstrations or as
posters. Please indicate your preference.

Contributions should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS stylesheets
Contributions should be submitted in PDF format.


All accepted submissions will be published in a conference proceedings
volume after the event; we expect the book to be available by autumn/winter

Submission types

Please indicate your submission type when submitting your contribution:

   - Papers – paper submissions have a length of between three and eight
   pages (including references and appendices).
   - Posters – poster submissions have a length of one or two pages
   (including references and appendices). Ideal topics for poster submissions
   are presentations of projects (e.g., EU projects or national projects) or
   self-contained topics that would be too specific for an oral presentation.


Registration for META-FORUM 2016 is already possible and, as usual, free of


A list of hotels in the vicinity of the venue is available on


META-FORUM 2016 will take place at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa (CRFIL).
More information and a map are available on


The PC consists of the META-NET Executive Board and partners of the CRACKER

Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester, UK
Núria Bel, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
António Branco, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Aljoscha Burchardt, DFKI, Germany
Khalid Choukri, ELRA/ELDA, France
Koenraad De Smedt, University of Bergen, Norway
Marcello Federico, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
Josef van Genabith, DFKI, Germany
Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Barry Haddow, University of Edinburgh, UK
Jan Hajic, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Philipp Koehn, Johns Hopkins University, USA, and University of Edinburgh,
Monica Monachini, ILC, Italy
Stelios Piperidis, R.C. "Athena", Greece
Georg Rehm, DFKI, Germany
Mike Rosner, University of Malta, Malta
Lucia Specia, University of Sheffield, UK
Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI, Germany
Tamás Váradi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Andrejs Vasiljevs, Tilde, Latvia
François Yvon, LIMSI, France


Antonio Branco, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Aljoscha Burchardt, DFKI, Germany
Thea Busch, DFKI, Germany
Georg Rehm, DFKI, Germany
Nieves Sande, DFKI, Germany
Ana Tavares, University of Lisbon, Portugal


Georg Rehm, DFKI, Germany –


The first funded phase of META-NET was successfully completed in 2013
through the EU-funded projects T4ME, CESAR, METANET4U and META-NORD. The
second phase of the META-NET initiative started in 2015, initially funded
through the EU-project CRACKER (2015-2017). META-FORUM 2016 has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement no. 645357 (CRACKER). CRACKER is also the
initiator and driver of the emerging Cracking the Language Barrier
federation, consisting of organisations and projects that work on
technologies for a Multilingual Europe.


*• apologies for cross-posting • please help circulate this call for
contributions •*

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