Try Compact Table?

2017年4月5日 下午7:33,"RR" <>寫道:

> Hi,
> I am currently working on a system to explore MOSES decoding parameter
> space - running MOSES in decoding mode with one parameter set, getting a
> BLEU score and rerunning with different parameters.
> More than 50% of my time is being spent repeatedly "loading" the phrase
> table, language model and reordering model. For example,
> $ ./ | .../moses -f ./run11.moses.ini -threads 31   >
> ./trans_baseline
> gives: "Start loading text phrase table. Moses format : [37.296] seconds."
> 37 seconds just to load a 590MB phrase table, even if it is on RAMDISK.
> htop indicates that for those 37 seconds, a single core is 100% utilized.
> My understanding is that some kind of optimized data structure (a hash
> table of some kind?) is being created in those 37 seconds, which is then
> lost and recreated when I re-run MOSES with a different value of a decoding
> parameter.
> If I want to eliminate this loading time, what is the best way forward? Is
> there a phrase table format that avoids a significant loading time (i.e. a
> 500MB phrase table loads in < 1 sec)? Should I try to find a way to run a
> single MOSES server but with different decoding parameters? I have a system
> with 130GB RAM and I am using a small phrase table that has been filtered
> for my decoding set.
> Thanks in advance,
> Roko
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