Please find hereby the announcement of a postdoctoral position in the University of La Rochelle, France.

If you have a Ph.D in computer science and working knowledge in the fields of social network analysis, statistical NLP, (text) data mining or related subjects, and if you like the idea of joining a dynamic research lab that lies within walking distance of 3 different beaches, please let us know!

(apologies for cross-posting)


***Post‐Doctoral Position*

*Social network analysis for crisis management***

Title: Post-doc position on social network analysis for crisis management.
Location: L3i laboratory, La Rochelle, France
Duration: open until September 2018
Net salary: 2000-2100 € monthly

Keywords: social network analysis, statistical NLP, (text) data mining


Applications are invited for one postdoctoral position on the live detection of events over microblogs through a dual approach mixing natural language processing and social network analysis. Depending on its background, the fellow will work using one or the other approach with implied issues such as : knowledge extraction for situation awareness, measures for the quality and reliablity of information, and multimodal analysis. Since we also plan to integrate data stemming from the structure of the network: implicit and explicit author profile, mecanism by which the information is spread, etc. any background in SNA will also be a plus..

The work will be conducted in the informatics, image and interaction laboratory (L3i), within the Tourinflux project, funded by a public investment program for the future (PIA). The L3i is a 120-person laboratory created in 1993, hosted in the historical and sunny city of La Rochelle.

What we search for:

- a PhD in Computer Science
- past experience in statistical NLP or SNA (or both) with an interest in the other domain
- fluency in written and spoken English.

Applications including a CV, a one-page research statement discussing how the candidate's background fits requirements and topic are to be sent to and Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled (expected start: September 2017).

Antoine Doucet
Full Professor
L3i - Laboratoire Informatique, Image et Interaction
University of La Rochelle - IUT de La Rochelle

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