*1st Call for papers*


EAMT 2020: The 22th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

Centro de Congressos do ISTInstituto Superior TécnicoCampus AlamedaAv. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 LISBOA, PortugalMay 4 to 6, 2020


The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) invites everyone interested in machine translation and translation-related tools and resources ― developers, researchers, users, translation and localization professionals and managers ― to participate in this conference. If you envisage an information world in which language barriers become less visible to the information consumer, submit a paper on the topic that drives you and your work. Driven by the state of the art, the research community will demonstrate their cutting-edge research and results, and professional MT users in the language industry will provide insight into successful MT implementation in business scenarios. Translation studies scholars and translation practitioners are also invited to share their first-hand MT experience, which will be addressed in a special Translators’ track.

We expect to receive submissions in these four categories:

   (R) Research papers

Submissions (up to 10 pages, including references) are invited for reports of significant research results in any aspect of machine translation and related areas. Such reports should include a substantial evaluation component, or have a strong theoretical and/or methodological contribution where results and in-depth evaluations may not be appropriate. Papers are welcome on all topics in the areas of machine translation and translation-related technologies, including:


   Novel deep-learning approaches for MT and MT evaluation;


   Advances in classical MT paradigms: statistical, rule-based, and
   hybrid approaches;


   Comparison of various MT approaches;


   Technologies for MT deployment: quality estimation, domain
   adaptation, etc.;


   MT in special settings: low resources, massive resources, high
   volume, low computing resources;


   MT applications: translation/localisation aids, speech-to-speech,
   speech-to-text, OCR, MT for user generated content (blogs, social
   networks), etc.;


   Linguistic resources for MT: dictionaries, terminology, corpora, etc.;


   MT evaluation techniques, metrics, and evaluation results;


   Human factors in MT and user interfaces;


   Related multilingual technologies: natural language generation,
   information retrieval, text categorisation, text summarisation,
   information extraction, etc.

Papers should describe original work. They should emphasise completed work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. Where appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be included.

Papers should be anonymized, prepared according to the templates specified below , and no longer than 10 pages (including references); the resulting PDFs submitted to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2020(Submission type: EAMT2020 Research).

   (U) User studies

Submissions (up to 10 pages, including references) are invited for reports on case studies and implementation experience  with MT in small or medium-size businesses in the language industry, as well as implementation scenarios involving large corporations,  governments, or NGOs. Contributions are welcome on the following topics:


   Integrating MT and computer-assisted translation into a translation
   production workflow (e.g. transforming terminology glossaries into
   MT resources, optimizing TM/MT thresholds, mixing online and offline
   tools, using interactive MT, dealing with MT confidence scores);


   Use of MT to improve translation or localisation workflows (e.g.
   reducing turnaround times, improving translation consistency,
   increasing the scope of globalisation projects);


   Managing change when implementing and using MT (e.g. switching
   between multiple MT systems, limiting degradations when updating or
   upgrading an MT system);


   Implementing open-source MT in the SME or enterprise (e.g.
   strategies to get support, reports on taking pilot results into full
   deployment, examples of advanced customisation sought and obtained
   thanks to the open-source paradigm, collaboration within open-source
   MT projects);


   Evaluating MT in a real-world setting (e.g. error detection
   strategies employed, metrics used, productivity or translation
   quality gains achieved);


   Post-editing strategies and tools (e.g. limitations of traditional
   translation quality assurance tools, challenges associated with
   post-editing guidelines);


   Legal issues associated with MT, especially MT in the cloud (e.g.
   copyright, privacy);


   Using MT in social networking or real-time communication (e.g.
   enterprise support chat, multilingual content for social media);


   Implementing MT to process multilingual content for assimilation
   purposes (e.g. cross-lingual information retrieval, MT for
   e-discovery or spam detection, MT for highly dynamic content);


   Implementing MT standards.

Papers should highlight problems and solutions in addition to describing MT integration processes and project settings. Where solutions do not seem to exist, suggestions for MT researchers and developers should be clearly emphasised. For user papers produced by academics, we require co-authorship with the actual users.

Papers should be formatted according to the templates specified below, no longer than 10 pages (including references), and submitted as PDF files to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2020(Submission type: EAMT2020 User). Please note that 10 pages is the maximum number of pages. Innovative and professional submissions of any lengthwill be evaluated by the committee.

   (P) Project/Product description

Submissions (2 pages, including references) are invited to report new, interesting:


   Tools for machine translation, computer aided translation, and the
   like (including commercial products and open-source software). The
   authors should be ready to present the tools in the form of demos or
   posters during the conference;


   Research projects related to machine translation. The authors should
   be ready to present the projects in the form of posters during the
   conference. This follows on from the successful ‘project villages’
   held at the last EAMT conferences.

Abstracts should be formatted according to the templates specified below, no longer than 2 pages (including references), and submitted as PDF files to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2020(Submission type: EAMT2020 Products-Projects).

   (T) Translators’ track

The use of machine translation by professional translators has an important social and economic impact due to the multilinguality of globalized societies. Translation practitioners deal with MT output in a wide variety of environments (inside or outside CAT tools, post-editing or drafting for inspiration, managing projects, training and improving engines) and, for this reason, they play a key role in the translation workflow and in the advance of MT.

This conference invites translation practitioners and translation scholars to share their views and observations based on their day-to-day experience through submissions reporting on issues such as:


   Measurements of comparative effort (time/keystrokes/cognitive) in
   translation practices involving MT and their impact on the profession;


   Impact of MT on translators’ work: processes, new invoicing methods
   (for example, using TER for matching), applicability;


   Psycho-social aspects of MT adoption (ergonomics, motivation, and
   social impact on the profession);


   Error analysis and post-editing strategies (including automatic
   post-editing and automation strategies);


   The use of translators’ metadata and user activity data in MT


   Freelance translators’ independent use of MT (e.g. for individual
   productivity and not necessarily a customer requirement);


   MT and usability;


   MT in literary, audiovisual, game localisation and creative texts;


   MT and interpreting;


   Ethical and confidentiality issues when using MT;


   MT in various scenarios including health care communication, crisis
   translation, and climate change;


   MT in the translation/interpreting classroom.

Accepted translator track papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Please make sure to consult and cite previously published work before submitting your paper.

Submissions (up to 10 pages, including references) should be formatted according to the templates specified below and submitted as PDF files to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2020(Submission type: EAMT2020 Translator). Please note that 10 pages is the maximum number of pages. Submissions of any lengthwill be evaluated by the committee.

 Paper templates

Use the LaTeX, Microsoft Word and LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org templates available at https://eamt2020.inesc-id.pt/#templatesto prepare your submission.


Accepted papers will be published in an electronic book of proceedings with an ISBN number.

In addition, the best accepted papers will be invited to submit an extended version undergoing a lighter reviewing process, as regular papers in the Springer journal Machine Translation <https://link.springer.com/journal/10590>.


In addition to an invited talk (to be announced), the programme of the Research, User, and Translators’ tracks will include oral presentations and poster sessions. Accepted papers may be assigned to an oral or poster session, but no differentiation will be made in the conference proceedings.

 Conference chairs

Research track co-chairs:


   Arianna Bisazza, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands


   Marco Turchi, FBK, Trento, Italy

User track co-chairs:


   Mary Nurminen, Tampere University


   Lena Marg, Welocalize

Translators’ track co-chairs:


   Ana Guerberof, University of Surrey


   Joss Moorkens, Dublin City University.

Local organizing chairs:


   André Martins, IST and Unbabel, Lisbon, Portugal


   Helena Moniz, INESC-ID and Unbabel, Lisbon, Portugal

General chair: Mikel L. Forcada,  EAMT President, Universitat d’Alacant, Spain (also Project/Product chair).

 Best Thesis Award

The EAMT Best Thesis Award 2020 for PhD theses defended during 2019 will be awarded at the conference, together with a presentation of the winner’s work. Information for candidates to the award is available at: http://eamt.org/news/news_best_thesis_2019.php. The deadline is the same as for the paper submission. Theses should be submitted to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2020(Submission type: Thesis Award)

 Important dates


   Paper submission: March 6, 2020.


   Notification to authors: April 3, 2020.


   Camera-ready deadline: April 10, 2020.


   Early-bird registration: April 17, 2020.


   Conference: May 4–6, 2020.


Mikel L. Forcada  http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Office: +34 96 590 9776

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