Dear all,

After re-compiling moses binaries, moses can't find all Chinese words
(|UNK|UNK|UNK) in the compact phrase tables built by the older binary.
ASCII characters are not affected. If I rebuild the compact table using
the new binaries, it works with the new binary but not the old one.

The versions are below:

(GCC 8.2.0)
Moses code version (git tag or commit hash):
Libraries used:
      Boost  version 1.62.0
   Xmlrpc-c  version 1.33.14
       CMPH (version unknown)

(GCC 9.2.1)
Moses code version (git tag or commit hash):
Libraries used:
      Boost  version 1.71.0
   Xmlrpc-c  version 1.33.14
       CMPH (version unknown)

I think the difference should be because of the Boost library. I'll get
the old Boost library for a try.

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