About 5 PM this evening I was walking the road to McNally Landing in Winona, 
when I heard a good deal of clatter.  I looked up, and noticed a fairly 
conspicuous Common Nighthawk roosting on a branch over the road.  For a good 
minute or two I heard chatter, and noticed near the nighthawk:

2 Eastern Bluebirds
1 Eastern Phoebe
1 Downy Woodpecker
1 Magnolia Warbler

A car then drove under the branch, and the nighthawk flew north.  The other 
birds disappeared and wouldn't reappear to my pishing.

I've never seen birds harrass a nightjar before (I would have been more 
appreciative if the birds were calling my attention to a Chuck-Will's-Widow, 
heh, heh).

Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN
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