Hi everyone,

  Ron Erpelding, Linda Born, and I found a Ross' Goose on the west side of
Lake Elysian today. There is some open water due to an aerator here off of
CR 18. There was also a very large flock, 150+ of Greater White-fronted
Geese flying over just south of here.


  Ron and I also had displaying American Woodcock at Rice Lake State Park,
in Steele County this evening.


  Other surprises were 2 Northern Shrikes in Waseca County, 2 dark-morph
Rough-legged Hawks in Steele County (they were together) and Sandhill Cranes
in at least three different locations (Rice/Steele) today. I also added
Blue-winged Teal (Rice) and several Rusty Blackbirds (Steele) for the year.


  Blackbird and Kestrel numbers were way up today compared to earlier it
seemed (to me).


Good birding!


Dave Bartkey

Faribault, MN

screechowl at charter.net 

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