Hey everybody,

   Someone on one of the listserves I read (I forget which one)
passed along a nice website (thank-you!) that discusses the
separation of Greater and Lesser Scaup. I had a chance to observe a
group of scaup at a close distance and looked to see if I could find
any Greaters in the group. As far as I could tell, all that was
present were Lessers. This is an identification that I know lots of
other people struggle with too and I think the website is a good
   If you want to see some nice photos of scaup with detailed
explanations of what to look for check out a link to that page on my


 The other observation from today was that I didn't see one Horned
Lark where 3 days ago they were everywhere. The south wind has really
cleared them out I guess.

Roger Everhart
Apple Valley, MN

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