A "Showcase" feature has been added to the http://moumn.org web site.  This 
allows entry of bird images that are not rare or unusual, but which you want to 
share with others on the web.  To see the "Showcase", click on the button on 
the top of the main page just to the left of "Recently Seen". 
Viewer's Showcase of Minnesota Birds
  This page allows the moumn.org viewers to share their images. This page will 
be updated when viewers share their images. Do not post more than one 
image/day. Images will be deleted after some period of time.

  Enter New Image

When you enter a bird image into "Recently Seen" or "Showcase" there is a box 
to indicate which gallery the image will go into.
Rare or unusual bird.
Check this box to put the bird in "Recently Seen" otherwise it will go into 
"Viewers Showcase".

David Cahlander david at cahlander.com Burnsville, MN 952-894-5910
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